[home] Put your name here

This is a sample HTML page displaying some of the basic features of the HTML mark-up language. It also explains how to set up your own home page. By viewing the source for this document and adapting the HTML to suit your own needs you should be able to build your own home page.

Initial set-up


Either log into a Sun workstation directly, or Telnet from a PC, or use the Exceed program under windows to connect to a unix machine. At the unix prompt type in the following commands:


Log into a PC and either stay in DOS or fire up the MSDOS window from Windows. At the H:\> prompt type, In either case, list your files and you should find that a new directory called webhome has been created.

Inside the webhome directory you'll find a file called home.htm - this is now your home page and you can access it via Netscape (or Micro$oft IE) with the URL

where you substitute your own user ID for ma98ikb.

Basic HTML

A list of the basic features of HTML now follows:

  1. You can construct major section headings by enclosing the text between the tages <h1>.....</h1>. Similarly, you can have sub-headings by using the <h2>.....</h2> tags. Sub-sub-headings can be created with <h3>.....</h3>, but you cannot go on forever in this way.
  2. Every paragraph must begin with the <p> tag.
  3. You can have italic, bold, bold italic and teletype text by enclosing text between the <i>.....</i>, <b>.....</b>, <b><i>.....</b></i> and <tt>.....</tt> tags respectively.
  4. You can make links to other web pages with the <a href="URL">...... </a> tag. For example, an online HTML syntax manual can be found here, and more about HTML in general here or (pointed out by Martin Greenhow) here. You should also make yourself aware of Brunel's rules for web pages. (Just covering myself!)
  5. Also, images can be loaded with the <img src="..."> tag (as with the Logo above).
  6. Ordered lists (like this one) are possible as are unordered (bullet point) lists...
  7. You can see the HTML source for the page you are now reading by clicking View and then selecting Document source in Netscape. So all you need to do is follow the syntax and edit those features you want into your own home.htm file.
  8. Local font size and colour changes can be made with the <font >...</font > tags. For example, <font size = 20 color = red>Big Red Font</font > produces,
    Big Red Font.



If you are using X or Open Windows either on a Sun Workstation or by running Exceed from Windows then you can use textedit. This is friendlier than most Unix editors, simply type

textedit filename &
(Don't forget the &). The other usual option in Unix is to use vi, but if you don't already know how to use this editor then this isn't the time or place to try and explain it!

Windows 3.1

Editing in Windows 3.1 is a little more straightforward. You can use Word, Write or WordPerfect - but you must save the file as plain text. Any fancy formatting involving bold face, italics, left or right text justification and so on will be lost, so don't waste your time with it. A simpler option is to use notepad which is suitable for creating plain text files.


In DOS use edit. In the webhome directory use the command

edit home.htm
and type away.

HTML Editors

A number of dedicated HTML editors exist, and you can often get hold of one by buying a PC magazine with internet utilities on the cover disk. But beware: these are often 30-day trial versions. Otherwise use HotMetal, in the Network Programs Group of (networked) Windows 3.1.

Important note:

Note that any other HTML files you create must have their read permissions set. In Unix you do this with

chmod a+r file.htm
Also, any subdirectories you create under webhome need to be `executable'. In Unix you do this with,
chmod a+x dir_name

Lastly if you want an approximate "hit count" for your HTML pages include a line like:

<img src=/cgi-bin/count?type=b&length=5" alt = "hits">
For example: you are (approximately) visitor number hits to this page. Different fonts are possible, and all the information is in the CC user note.

Mathematics in web browsers

Take a look at tth, a LaTeX to HTML translator. See also Bill Foster's stuff and ours for an idea of what is possible.


This is a scripting language that allows you to add dynamic content to web pages. It is not Java, and it is not the tool for creating applets. A Javascript reference site is maintained by the Brunel Computer Center.

Let me know if this page has been of any help, and also if there are other things that you would like to see included.