- Observations usually last the duration of a whole session (approximately one hour), which allows us to get a sense of the beginning, middle and end. This may vary from person to person, depending on the subject or format of teaching.
The process takes part in 3 stages:
1 - Part A of the observation form is completed by the Fellowship candidate asking for feedback on specific areas of practice. You should select an appropriate session to be observed. As part of the pre-observation planning, you choose what you would like the observer to focus on based on the feedback that would help you in the further development of your practice.
2- Part B of the form is completed by the observer after a coaching style conversation has taken place. Following the observation, you will meet up with the observer, ideally face-to-face, to debrief and the observer will then summarise the conversation – not provide comments on the observation—in part B of the observation form.
3 - Part C of the form is completed by the Fellowship candidate detailing their reflection and areas they intend to develop. Once the form is completed, it is uploaded as part of your portfolio. SFHEA observations are mentoring, supporting and co-ordinatingot teaching.