Research projects showcase Search research project keyword(s) Subjects Subjects - All Advanced Clinical Practice Aerospace Engineering Anthropology Art Psychotherapy Biomedical Sciences Brunel Design School Brunel Medical School Business School Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Clinical Education Computer Science Creative Writing Criminology Design Digital Media Economics and Finance Education Electronic and Electrical Engineering English Environmental Sciences Film and Television Studies Flood and Coastal Engineering Foundation Programmes Games Design Geography Global Challenges History Journalism Law Life Sciences Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Media and Communications Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Music Nursing Occupational Therapy Physician Associate Physiotherapy Politics and International Relations Psychology Public Health and Health Promotion Social Work Sociology Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences Theatre College Colleges - All College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Status Status - All Ongoing Completed REF 2021 Submit search Total number of results: 17 Xcell: Studying cells and tissue biochemistry in simulated microgravity Conversations of Diversifying Education: Voices from Local Communities (CODES) Cellular senescence and its impact on organismal ageing Restorative universities CONISSUS: Construction 3D Printing with IoT Sensors and Smart Ultrasound System Developing a decolonising culture in criminology and higher education Mainstreaming gender for energy security Leveraging millets enterprises for women's economic empowerment The work of academic managers in HE UK community radio responses to COVID-19 Integrated technology support system for tackling violence against women Whose Song is it Anyway? Women in Music podcast and event at Parliament 1 2 ❯