MBA student grasps opportunities in life at Brunel

Posted: January 30 2020

Javed Laher, Business Administration MBA
Javed Laher, Business Administration MBA

There are opportunities in life which present themselves which we may or may not choose to pursue.

One of those choices for me was to pursue an MBA at Brunel University London. Having enjoyed my time as an undergraduate, it made sense to return to fulfil the goal of studying a Masters at my first choice University.

My experience of the course was incredible and there are two parts to it. Firstly, the taught subjects. These classroom taught subjects had led to some of the richest discussions with highly intelligent individuals who helped shape and sharpen my thinking for the better. The structure was fantastic and the assessments always required us to really challenge ourselves to grow and think strategically. The LMS’s (Leadership Masterclass Series) were fantastic and provided really useful material on multiple subjects from writing, analytical skills, consulting skills and more.

The second part I loved about the MBA, is the network I’ve been fortunate to create. I am now connected to professionals in different industries, in different parts of the world. The MBA cohort was one of the most diverse groups I have been fortunate to be part of and it became one big international family. My cultural awareness has increased to a much higher level which is ever so important for success in international business relations.

Brunel is clearly invested in the MBA programme especially with the effort placed into the structure of the programme. We were fortunate to have had various industry guest speakers, guest lecturers and specialists on various important topics. We were also fortunate to have visited Milan for a group tour where we were exposed to business operations of key industries and businesses including Mapei, start-up incubator Talent Garden, Humanitas Hospital as well as Milan Linate Airport and their operations. This tour was eye opening and really brought the theory we learnt in class into practice.

Moving onto the team, I found the MBA leadership team and staff to be very helpful for us as students. There are processes and policies in place to ensure the experience MBA programme runs as best it can with various feedback loops in place to constantly improve, which Brunel is great at. The staff make it a pleasure to come in and study in a friendly, diverse and open environment.

I’m excited for what the future holds especially as the MBA has led me to start my own technology business with some exciting product launches planned for the new year. I thank all staff, students and guests who have made my MBA journey unforgettable and one of the best life decisions I’ve made – thank you.