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Top tips to get the most out of your course

Posted: February 13 2023

University is a unique experience and is very different to education in sixth form or college. Getting the most out of your course is one of the most important parts of university education and can impact your university experience.

1)    Attend lectures and seminars. University education just for a Bachelor's degree costs at least £9250 a year (and around double for international students). Not attending without a valid reason is wasting not only a brilliant opportunity to learn, but is also wasting lots of money that you’re paying for your education.

2)    Do the essential reading. The reading lists set up by lecturers directly relate to the content being taught on your course, so it’s advisable to read through the reading. Doing so means you’ll have more understanding of what’s being discussed in lectures and seminars, as well the chance to look into topics you find interesting, and ask questions about things you aren’t sure on.

3)    Ask questions. If you aren’t sure on something, ask! This includes when a lecturer says something you might not understand fully – the lecturers are there to help you and won’t judge you for not knowing something.

Students sitting at desks in lecture

4)    Start your assignments as soon as you get the chance. Doing so will prevent you from being stressed about completing it to the best of your ability closer to the assignment deadline. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll finish it. You can also send drafts to your lecturers for feedback, and the sooner you can submit it, the more likely you are to do well in it as well.

5)    Make friends. University isn’t always about studying. Making friends during your time at university can make or break your university experience, and it’s nice to spend time with people to get a break from studying.

Students talking outside campus 1966 cafe

6)    Be open to opportunities. This includes part-time work alongside your studies, studying/travelling abroad and participating in extra-curricular activities. Not only can they help you enhance your skills for work, but experience can also be put down on your CV, making you more employable. Such opportunities might not arise again, so take them when you get the chance.

7)    Develop a routine. Developing a routine can help you manage your time effectively. Keep on top of deadlines and manage other tasks you need to do. Having a routine also means you'll be able to keep track of when you're free to do things away from university.

Campus at night