How I got the best out of my first semester at Brunel

Posted: February 13 2023

Hima, MSc Physician Associate
Hima, MSc Physician Associate

The first semester as an undergraduate or postgraduate student can be difficult. Here is how to make the best of your first semester at Brunel!

1. Meet new people:  Brunel welcomes students from a range of different countries, backgrounds, and ages. Your first semester is your opportunity to meet and greet new and like-minded people that share the same interests as you. The Union of Brunel Students organises a variety of fun and entertaining events throughout the year to give you an opportunity to meet students. There is a link to all the social events the Union offers:

Student Union sign

2. Part-time work: Once you receive your student timetable you will be able to plan and decide how much free time you have. It is important to have the right balance of work and fun. Brunel has its own Job Shop that aims to provide students with valuable work experience whilst they are studying. It offers a selection of flexible and part-time jobs at a competitive pay rate. The jobs can be both on-campus and off-campus. There are also a variety of volunteering opportunities to build up key skills such as communication, time management, and team-working which will all look great on your CV.

3. Explore London: Don’t forget, as Brunel is London-based, it has a variety of transport links and is only a short distance away from the Uxbridge tube station. Why not visit some of the famous museums in London such as the British Museum and National Gallery which are completely free to enter!  

4. Join a Society: Why not join the many clubs and societies that Brunel can offer? Is there a particular subject or activity that you are interested in or is there something new that you want to learn or take up, joining a society can be perfect for you? Clubs and societies are student-led and you get to become part of a close community. 

5. Why not join the Brunel Campus Gym? This can be a great way of staying active and achieving your personal fitness goals whilst at university. The Brunel gym opening hours are as follows:  

  • Monday – Friday 7 am – 10pm
  • Saturday & Sunday 9am – 7pm
  • With Off Peak Membership: Limited to 7 am - 3pm & Weekends
  • Peak Memberships: No time restrictions. 

Membership can vary from pay-as-you-go which is £6 to student premium membership for £26.99 per month. 

Student in Brunel gym

6.     And finally, and most importantly: the first semester in Brunel is to enjoy yourself and to get yourself orientated with the University environment and student life. There are a variety of support networks that are available for students such as extensive library facilities, supportive staff, and, most importantly, the students who make this university truly special!