Brunel music student capitalises on on-campus opportunities

Brunel music student capitalises on on-campus opportunities

Published: 13 Mar 2023

Savannah Roberts

I have had many opportunities such as training as a sound engineer, getting paid for tech work and ambassador work

Savannah, Undergraduate

Music BA

From UK

How did you know music was the course you wanted to study?

I love music - I always have! But I never thought it would be the degree I wanted to go into. I started studying it at college and quickly realised I could pave a career through music. So I applied to university and ended up transferring to Brunel after I realised my prior course wasn't the best fit for me for me. This transfer process really made me realise what I did need and what I wanted. 

What were the more exciting aspects of your degree?

There is a lot of collaboration happening across different subject areas with music. We regularly work with Creative Writing, Film, Theatre and Games Design. We always end up with really lovely projects that we're all proud of by the end of them.

What are you currently doing?

I'm currently in my second year and I really do feel like I'm blossoming under my lecturer's guidance

What types of opportunities are there as a current student studying music?

I feel as though I have grown in my time at Brunel and I have had many opportunities such as training as a sound engineer, getting paid for tech work and ambassador work, working closely with theatre and being involved in productions, organising and performing in events.
