Opening up to new possibilities and horizons from the Brunel experience

Opening up to new possibilities and horizons from the Brunel experience

Published: 13 Mar 2023

Mark Edwards

The work placements were a big draw, particularly the opportunity to study in America and work in Congress.

Mark, Undergraduate, Alumni

Partner, Infosys Consulting

Politics and History BSc - 1991

From UK

Previous Institution

South Downs College - A Levels

Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel?

To gain some experience of interviewing I met a technology training company thinking it would not be right for me, but was convinced by the interviewer that they valued my communication skills and would teach me the technology bit. Luckily, that technology took off in a big way and as my experience increased, I began to take on other roles and eventually led some of the largest technology implementation programs in different industry sectors. This also enabled me to live and work in Australia, Taiwan, South Africa, the USA, Canada, and most of Europe. I’m now based in London but serving customers around the world.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

I live in West London and my home office is in Canary Wharf. In any given week I will meet with 3-4 customer organisations about programs we are helping them with. I will also have a number of internal meetings about recruitment, staff development and our overall financial performance. Occasionally I will do some speaking at events or attend events with external bodies like the CBI or techUK.

What’s been the highlight of your career journey so far?

In the early days I think the travel I was able to do was simply fantastic and being able to see and experience different cultures up close. More recently it has been more about helping others to grow and succeed in their own careers.

How would you say your Brunel experience has helped you to get where you are today?

I have such good memories of Brunel and remain friends with many fellow students from 30 years ago. At the time Brunel was very much a campus-based university and so the social life was great. I’d grown up on a sprawling council estate and it was Brunel that opened my eyes to new possibilities and horizons.

Why did you choose to study at Brunel and why would you recommend Brunel to others?

The work placements were a big draw, particularly the opportunity to study in America and work in Congress was a big draw - something I managed to do in my third year. Also, Brunel’s proximity to London was a big factor.

What is your best memory of studying here?

I loved the social side of Brunel, especially the clubs and societies. I played a lot of football and got involved in the Students’ Union, becoming President the year I graduated.

If you could give one piece of advice to current Brunel students, what would that be?

Often the best performers I’ve seen at work have been team players. They work hard as individuals but there is a real commitment to the team, too. I think things like the clubs and societies at Brunel can help this side of your personal development and stand you in good stead. There is more to you than your degree - your personality and how you work with others are key to future success.

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

Don’t pigeon-hole yourselves. The most successful organisations have people who can complement the self with the team, the science with art. Look in places you might not suspect you are right for - chances are there will be great opportunities just below the surface.
