How to write your UCAS personal statement

Posted: October 24 2022

Brunel University London

Are you looking to study at university? The best way to impress the admissions team is by writing an amazing personal statement. 

The ABC method

When writing your personal statement, you might find it helpful to use the A-B-C method. ABC stands for:

  • Activity: what have you done in the past?
  • Benefit: what skills or experience have you gained/learnt?
  • Course: how does what you’ve learnt relate to your chosen course?
How to write your UCAS personal statement

By answering these questions, you’ll be able to clearly demonstrate that, not only do you have relevant skills, experience and motivation, but you’ll also be able to show how these have helped shape your decision in pursuing your degree.

What to write in your personal statement?

When writing your personal statement, it’s important to keep in mind that our admissions tutors are looking for someone who’ll not just be a good fit for the course, but also for our wider university community in general. Remember, there’ll be other students applying for the same course as you who’ll have similar grades and qualifications, so include things that’ll make you stand out from the competition.

You should think about what the course requires. For example, if you want to study design, then it might be helpful if you mention a specific interest or experience related to this e.g. maybe you’ve had some work experience with a design company.

Make sure you don't focus too much on things like grades and exam results – we already have these in your application form anyway! Instead, try focusing on achievements outside of school that have helped make you who you are today.

Ideas to get you started

Here are some ideas that you can talk about in your personal statement:

  • About the course
    • Why are you interested in applying for your course? Where did your passion start? How has it encouraged you to get to where you are now?
    • Do your current or previous studies relate to the course you're applying for? If so, how?
    • How can you demonstrate motivation and enthusiasm for a subject? You could include things like if you’ve done any outside reading, gone on field trips, or visited lectures, masterclasses, or taster days.
  • Your achievements and skills
    • Talk about any relevant skills you’ve gained from your studies that’ll help you on your course.
    • What words describe you the most? How can you incorporate these into your personal statement?
    • List any achievements you have that may help you to stand out. These could be in or out of school e.g. prefect, head boy/girl, awards and/or competitions.
    • Do you have any hobbies that have helped you to demonstrate any skills which you can link to the course?
  • Work experience
    • Describe any work shadowing, work experience, part-time job or voluntary role you have undertaken and link any experiences or skills to the course.
  • Your future plans
    • What would you like to achieve once you’ve graduated?
    • How will the knowledge you’ve gained relate to what you want to do in the future?

Ready to start writing? Download our personal statement guide to start your university application.