15 Nov 2022, 13:00 - 14:00
264 Gaskell Building,Brunel University London
11/15/2022 01:00 PM
11/15/2022 02:00 PM
COP27 on Campus - ACE and Civil Society
Dr Grant Peterson and Dr Mary Richards discuss art, activism and action for climate empowerment (ACE)
264 Gaskell Building,Brunel University London
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Join Dr Grant Peterson and Dr Mary Richards in discussion of art, activism and action for climate empowerment (ACE).
ACE and Civil Society, Wednesday 9 November at 1pm, 264 Gaskell Building

During the two weeks of COP27 in Sharm El-Sheik, where leaders from across the globe once again gather to debate action to mitigate and adapt to the climate emergency, Brunel will be hosting its own series of events based around the themes of the COP27 Presidency Agenda.
The schedule of activities has been designed by students and staff associated with the Global Challenges programme, and in conjunction with the Students Union. This year's programme of activities includes:
- An open discussion of the energy crisis on carbon reduction
- Youth and Future Generations Poetry Night in The Venue
- Talk on local chalk streams and conservation
- Discussion of the role of art, activism and action for climate empowerment
- A mini-BioBlitz to find out more about biodiversity on campus
- An upcycling workshop: reuse, remake.
For more information please contact researchengagement@brunel.ac.uk