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Brunel retains award for its focus on the development of researchers


Brunel University of London’s long-term commitment to the personal, professional and career development of researchers has been re-affirmed with the retention of its HR Excellence in Research Award, announced this week by Vitae on behalf of the European Commission’s awarding panel. 

Brunel first received the award in 2011 and has been reviewed periodically to inspect the progress that has been made alongside a robust forward-facing action plan, with the latest renewal following 2 years after the most recent one. 

The award is an important mechanism for implementing the principles of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (Environment and Culture; Employment; Professional and Career Development), and recognising institutions’ commitment to provide a supportive research environment for researchers. Receiving it is an acknowledgement that a higher education institution is in alignment with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for their Recruitment. 

Vitae is a non-profit programme which is the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers, and runs the UK-wide process that has led to 83 UK institutions receiving the award. 

Concordat activity is led by Brunel’s Graduate School, with Prof Hua Zhao (Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research) and the University’s Postdoc and Research Fellows Network. Prof Christina Victor is Brunel’s current Concordat Champion. Prof Tina Ramkalawan, Director of the Graduate School, and Dr Victoria Schuppert, Senior Researcher Developer (Research Staff), can be contacted for any detailed information.

Find out more about support for research staff at Brunel University of London.

Reported by:

Joe Buchanunn, Media Relations
+44 (0)1895 268821