Dr Ashley James Howkins
Technical Specialist - Lead Scientific Office
Bragg Building 016
- Email: ashley.howkins@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265927
- Dr. Ashley Howkins is the Lead Scientific Officer within the Experimental Techniques Centre, and leads the team of Scientific Officers to provide materials characterisation on various different samples and using various different techniques.
- Ashley's own speciality is electron microscopy and analysis, including SEM, (S)TEM, FIB, EDX, EELS, cathodoluminescence, electron diffraction and EBSD.
- Ashley is also a member of the BSI Microanalysis subcommittee, responsible for the development of ISO standards in electron microscopy; an UKAS Technical Assessor for accredited electron microscope facilities; and member of the Royal Microscopical Society.
Electron Microscopy
- Since completing his PhD in Tissue Engineering, Ashley has specialised in electron microscopy and since working at Brunel University he has become a multi-disciplinary electron microscopist.
- Below are some examples of the work Ashely has carried out using electron microscopical analyses.
- Nano-metre scale SEM imaging using Zeiss Supra 35VP FEG-SEM
- TEM imaging and electron diffraction analysis using Jeol-2100F FEG-(S)TEM
- FIB lift using Zeiss Crossbeam 340 FIB-FEG-SEM
- EDX mapping using Leo 1455VP tungsten filament SEM