Mr Chris Cox
Head of Department / Reader (Education)
Gaskell Building 151
- Email: chris.cox@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265696
- Digital Arts - Games
- Arts and Humanities
- College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences
Chris lectures in Games Design and Games Application. He has an MA in Games Theory and Design from Brunel. He is particularly interested in player engagement with different game styles or mechanics and enjoys combining games theory with the more practical side of design.
Chris is interested in player engagement, why people like the games the do and what are the parallels between them, he is also excited by the opportunities for social interactions in games and this extends to board games as well as digital experiences. He is also passionate about diversity and inclusion in real life and in the digital world, and this extends to how we can engage our students in making this a reality.
Chris has worked in creative industries for many years in both theatre and games and live events. He has experience working as a games designerand also as a consultant and producer for various games companies.
Chris has won various awards at Brunel including Most Inspirational Lecturer and awards for Fairness and Inclusion. Chris is a Fellow of the HEA and of the Brunel Acadamey for Transformational Teaching.
Chris plays all sorts of games and is an enthusiast for almost every genre, from tabletop one shot games to complex simulations taking in everything on the journey.
As Division Lead for Digital Arts Chris in charge of the Games Design programmes at Brunel University. He also sits on various committess and panels including Academic Appeals, Misconduct and the Learning and Teaching Centre.
Newest selected publications
Deniozou, T., Dima, M. and Cox, C. (2020) 'Designing a Game to Help Higher Education Students Develop Their Note-Taking Skills'.ACM CHI Play. Virtual. 2 - 5 November. ACM. pp. 181 - 192.Open Access Link