Dr Take Itagaki
Senior Lecturer
Almutairi, E., Abbod, M. and Itagaki, T. (2020) 'Mathematical Modelling of Diabetes Mellitus and the Associated Risk Factors in Saudi Arabia'.UKSim2020. Cambridge.Open Access Link
Nawaiseh, A., Abbod, M. and Itagaki, T. (2020) 'Financial Statement Audit using Support Vector Machines, Artificial Neural Networks and K-Nearest Neighbour: Empirical study of UK and Ireland.'.UK Sim 2020. Cambridge.Open Access Link
Itagaki, T., Owens, T. and Orero, P. (2016) 'Digital TV Accessibility - analogue switch off in Europe and Africa'.IST-Africa Week Conference. Durban, South Africa. 11 - 8 August. IIMC International Information Management Corporation. pp. 1 - 8.Open Access Link
Owens, TJ. and Itagaki, T. (2015) 'CHOICE: D1.3 E-book “Roadmap towards strengthened EU-China ICT R&D cooperation” – second end of year report'. Place of publication: CHOICE project. Available at: http://euchina-ict.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/CHOICE_WP1_D13_D15_FINAL_14_01_16.pdf.Open Access Link
Deigmoeller, J., Itagaki, T., Just, N. and Stoll, G. (2012) 'Contextual cropping and scaling of TV productions'. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 61 (3). pp. 623 - 644. ISSN: 1380-7501 Open Access Link
Hadjinicolaou, MG., Nilavalan, R., Itagaki, T., Voskarides, SC., Pattichis, CS. and Schizas, AN. (2009) 'Emergency TeleOrthoPaedics m-health system for wireless communication links'. IET Communications, 3 (8). pp. 1284 - 1296. ISSN: 1751-8628 Open Access Link
Hoffmann, H., Itagaki, T. and Wood, D. (2008) 'Quest for finding the right HD format: A new psychophysical method for subjective HDTV assessment'. SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, 117 (4). pp. 30 - 39. ISSN: 0036-1682
Deigmoeller, J., Itagaki, T. and Stoll, G. (2008) 'An approach for an intelligent crop and scale application to adapt video for mobile TV'.IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting. Las Vegas, US. 31 - 2 April. IEEE. pp. 292 - 298. ISSN: 2155-5044
Hoffmann, H., Itagaki, T., Wood, D., Hinz, T. and Wiegand, T. (2008) 'A novel method for subjective picture quality assessment and further studies of HDTV formats'. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 54 (1). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 0018-9316 Open Access Link
Itagaki, T., Cosmas, J. and Haque, M. (2004) 'An interactive digital television system designed for synchronised and scalable multi-media content over DVB and IP networks'.IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). Taipei, TAIWAN. IEEE. pp. 2155 - 2158.
Haque, M., Itagaki, T. and Cosmas, J. (2004) 'Digital interactive television services for converged IP and DVB networks'.IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). Taipei, Taiwan. IEEE. pp. 2151 - 2153.
Yang, XD., Song, YH., Owens, TJ., Cosmas, J. and Itagaki, T. (2004) 'Performance analysis of the OFDM scheme in DVB-T'.6th IEEE Circuits and Systems Symposium on Emerging Technologies: Frontiers of Mobile and Wireless Communication 2004. Shanghai, China. IEEE. pp. 489 - 492.
Yang, XD., Song, YH., Owens, TJ., Cosmas, J. and Itagaki, T. (2004) 'Performance analysis of time slicing in DVB-H'.Joint 1st Workshop on Mobile Future/Symposium on Trends in Communications (Sympotic 04). Bratislava, Slovenia. IEEE. pp. 183 - 186.Open Access Link
Green, D., Cosmas, J. and Itagaki, T. (2002) 'Visualizing legacy stratigraphic data from archaeological handbooks'.1st International Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission. Heraklion, Greece. IEEE Comput. Soc. pp. 750 - 753.
Knox, D., Itagaki, T., Stewart, I., Nesbitt, A. and Kemp, IJ. (1999) 'Preservation of local sound periodicity with variable-rate video'.7th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. Orlando, Florida, US. ACM. pp. 299 - 302.
Itagaki, T., Manning, PD. and Purvis, A. (1997) 'Distributed parallel processing: lessons learned from a 160-transputer network'. Computer Music Journal, 21 (4). pp. 42 - 54. ISSN: 0148-9267