Instructions for Academics and Researchers (Staff or Student) wishing to send invitations to BORG members.
- Any student wishing to use the BORG resource must first agree the suitability of using BORG for their project with their academic supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for checking the BORG application before submission.
- For research participation invitations, researchers must apply for, and receive, ethical approval through their College.
- Once ethics has been confirmed, the researcher should send the following documents to Dr Elmar Kal:, copied to Mrs Anna Liddle:
- A copy of the Ethics form submitted to the Committee
- The Ethics approval confirmation letter
- Risk assessment
- A completed proforma with the core information about the proposed research being sent to BORG members (found here)
NB. This proforma is an invitation for BORG members to participate in the research and should describe the activity to be carried out and the reason for the research. Requests that are incomplete or are unclear will be returned for amending. If there are any queries, the lead academic for BORG will contact the student and their supervisor directly.
- It should include the researcher’s name and contact detail both email and phone number.
- For students contact details of their supervisor should be included.
- All correspondence sent to the BORG should be in a clear font (eg: Arial) and preferably using a font size of 14 (no smaller than 12)
4. The Lead academic will then confirm if the mailing can be sent to the BORG and forward the final document(s) to Dr Elmar Kal and Anna Liddle for inclusion in the next mailing.