23 Jun 2017, 09:00 - 16:00
Eastern Balancing Reservoir at Heathrow
06/23/2017 09:00 AM
06/23/2017 04:00 PM
We are delighted to be taking 10 of our female students to join Morgan Sindall for their celebrations of INWED on the 23rd June
We are delighted to be taking 10 of our female students to join Morgan Sindall for their celebrations of INWED on the 23rd June
Eastern Balancing Reservoir at Heathrow
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This visit is one of the 25+ events organised as part of Women in Brunel Engineering and Computing Mentoring Programme 2016/17.
The students participating are studying a variety of our courses to include:
Civil Engineering / Civil Engineering with Sustainability
Renewable Energy Engineering
Building Services and Renewable Energy
Data Science and Analytics
Advanced Engineering Design
We are also pleased to have Juliana Byzyka joining us – Juliana was a mentee on the pilot of the Women in Engineering Programme 2014/15 and is now studying a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering here – her research title is: Advanced repair system for asphalt highway pavement. She is particularly interested in finding out more about Morgan Sindall’s research into construction of runways.
We will be visiting the Eastern Balancing Reservoir at Heathrow and then attending a lunch with staff employed within construction at Heathrow followed by a speed-networking session. Our students will have the chance to motivate and inspire the younger students, as well as gain important contacts for their own carers.
Eastern Balancing Reservoir