Making the most of all Brunel has to offer

Making the most of all Brunel has to offer

Published: 13 Mar 2023

Tom McCann

Brunel has excellent and dedicated teaching staff that want the best for you

Tom, Undergraduate

Electronic and Electrical Engineering MEng

From UK

Previous Institution

Cheney School - A Levels

How would you say Brunel helped you to get where you are today?

Brunel has lots of opportunities to get stuck into the particular interests you have; this is its main advantage as a university. It has well-funded extra-curricular activities that perfectly prepare you for future life, such as working well as a team, meeting deadlines and collaboration on projects.

Why did you choose to study at Brunel and why would you recommend Brunel to others?

Brunel has excellent and dedicated teaching staff that want the best for you. The Brunel team has been working tirelessly to help its students to improve their learning.

What is your best memory of studying here?

My fondest academic memories at Brunel are working on my final year project; up until that point a lot of the work had been theoretical in nature. Now the work has become practical and a true test of engineering tenacity.

If you could give one piece of advice to new students, what would that be?

To new students, I would say get stuck in, there are many projects all over campus yearning for people to get involved and to take responsibility for a part of them. These projects range massively in interest and skill set and there will be something, if not multiple things, for everyone.

What would be your top tip or advice for students thinking about their career plans?

Take the courses on job applications in year two seriously. At the time not many people in my cohort did, including myself, but these courses may be some of the most important you learn, so pay attention! The engineering field is vast, and you can almost do anything you want, so to find your place in it all start looking, it won’t hurt. Remember that a lot of jobs on the outside are completely different once you get into them, for example in the rockets field, thought to be all about aerodynamics, control systems, etc... boils more down to building redundancy in to the rocket and therefore become more of a reliability engineering accomplishment more than anything. Point being, that a job is different to what it may first seem.
