How studying Sociology helped pave the way to becoming a copywriter?

How studying Sociology helped pave the way to becoming a copywriter?

Published: 28 Mar 2023

Lily Quarton-Parsons

Brunel helped me figure out who I was and what I wanted to do. It gave me confidence and the drive to get what I want!

Lily, Undergraduate, Alumni

Social Media Executive, Outfly

Sociology BSc - 2018

From UK

Previous Institution

Bridgwater & Taunton College - A Levels

Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel

Leaving Brunel, I completed a Masters at Goldsmiths, cancelled my move to Vietnam (thanks, COVID) and stumbled into the world of copywriting. Having always written on the side, I didn't realise I could actually make a career out of my passion. I write social copy, web copy, blogs... you name it, I'll have stabbed my pen at it. I have now moved into the role of Social Media Executive.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

A day at work for me can involve creating a new pizza brand, to writing a blog about IT solutions. Oh, and a whole load of green tea. I get to try everything at my workplace, from social media campaigns to brand strategy, and no day is the same, which I really like. I always have the chance to keep learning.

What’s been the highlight of your career journey so far?

Honestly, the highlight has been getting a new job in the industry I want to be in during the UK COVID lockdown. Sims 4 sessions aside, I worked hard to create a portfolio and spec work. And the greatest part is, it's paid off.

How would you say your Brunel experience has helped you to get where you are today?

Brunel helped me figure out who I was and what I wanted to do. Most people think social sciences don't work for writing, but it's all about your argument. Brunel helped me structure my essays and explore a wide range of topics I've always wanted to learn more about. It gave me confidence and the drive to get what I want!

Why did you choose to study at Brunel and why would you recommend Brunel to others?

I chose Brunel due to the course. I liked that their Sociology course mixed modern and classical Sociology, giving me all the tools I need to be able to analyse. My job now involves analysing audiences and making them feel a certain way about campaigns. If it wasn't for Brunel, I wouldn't be able to mix Sociological thought into my work.

What is your best memory of studying here?

The friends I made, who I'm still super close with. The community is great, and the opportunities offered are wonderful. I got to speak to senior staff directly and give my views, which made me feel heard. Oh, and the karaoke night. Nothing better on a Tuesday evening than screaming some Ariana Grande into the mic!

If you could give one piece of advice to current Brunel students, what would that be?

Have fun!! Enjoy it, try everything, and say yes! There's so much to explore, and I'd say explore it all. And don't feel pressured to act like you've got it all together. Go at your own pace, and do things because you want to do them.

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

Balance your mental health and don't jump into something because it's what you're "meant" to do. Learn where you draw your boundaries with work, as work-life balance is the most important thing I've found that is hard to find in the 9-5 world.
