A day in the life of a Software Engineer

A day in the life of a Software Engineer

Published: 13 Mar 2023

Lorenzo Cucurachi

My placement year has really helped me progress in terms of technical skills and areas of expertise

Lorenzo, Undergraduate, Alumni

Embedded Software Engineer, Audio Analytic

Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng - 2019

From Italy

Which country do you currently live in?


Tell us about your career journey since you graduated…

I was applying for jobs before graduation and before the exams had taken place. I had somewhere around 8 telephone interviews and two on-site interviews by the time the exams took place. In other words, I almost secured a job before graduation. I think it is important to start looking before the exams if you are planning to get a job soon after graduation. I did not start my job until August, so I had time to enjoy the summer!

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

A typical day at work before coronavirus was like this: Arrive at the office around 9am (flexible hours), go to the kitchen and have some coffee and a chat. Go to my desk and set up my work. Have my team daily morning meeting to update each other on the work we have been doing. Then start working on implementing some new code or fixing bugs. I usually have tickets to work and keep working on them throughout the week. I can jump to someone’s desk and ask for help or vice versa. Have lunch and go to the gym or for a walk. Come back and keep working. Leave around 5/6pm ish. Friday’s are the best because we enjoy free pizza slices and some beer.

What’s been the highlight of your career so far?

I think the best part of this job is that I am learning a lot about audio waves and programming techniques by becoming more confident reading and writing code, especially at low level, which is what I enjoy. I have been working on important projects for the business which are technically challenging but rewarding. Also, I am very happy that I found a workplace with a very friendly culture. Our workplace is very distinct from others in the way of what we do. In terms of my career, I will always have to thank Brunel for getting where I am.

How would you say Brunel helped you to get where you are today?

Brunel has offered me opportunities that I will never forget. My placement year has really helped me progress in terms of technical skills and areas of expertise. I will never be able to thank my Professor enough for the opportunity. I think being a Research Assistant helped me a lot to develop certain quality traits and skills. There is always more to learn but I think doing research really pushes you to grow in a good way. You learn how to approach problems in a better way and how to overcome them which eventually gives you the skills to improve your expertise by yourself.

Why did you choose to study at Brunel and why would you recommend Brunel to others?

I looked online for universities with a course in embedded electronics and I really liked the description of the Brunel course and applied. Simple as that! Also, I really liked the idea of a big campus. I would recommend Brunel to anyone who wants to be in an international community; Brunel is really the hub for that. And I would also recommend it to anyone who loves the course I did which is Electronics and Computer Engineering; I hope this course will never change too much!

What is your best memory of studying here?

Hard to say. I have many memories at Brunel, especially because the campus is big and close to Uxbridge. The town is not huge, but I spent a lot of time there, studying, working, doing sport, meeting new people. I think what I really liked is the experience I had living with other fantastic roommates in our own house and Uxbridge as it is quite clean and green compared to other parts of London.

If you could give one piece of advice to new students, what would that be?

The key is to follow the lessons and study right afterwards and make good notes. This way you will save time to do the things you enjoy the most.

Don’t just party! It is easy to do that and end up finishing the course without the skills you wanted. Learn to study the right amount of time (or study smart) and have time for your own things. If you plan to get a house with friends, make sure they are good friends and give each other space when you need to study. The rest of the time enjoy Uxbridge and Brunel! Go out and meet people or even to London. If you can, I really suggest taking a placement with a company project with a professor. It will push your boundaries in a good way!
