We were delighted to welcome some of our Applied Biology Alumni to the Archive on 1
st July – Rita, Claire (and her husband, Mike) and Neil who all graduated in 1973.

The visit was arranged with Rita Sawrey-Woodwards, and Melissa in Alumni, as Rita wanted to donate copies of Brunel University 1969-1973 and 50 years on which she had compiled with the majority of her cohort to celebrate 50 years since completing their degrees – as they had stayed in touch all these years.
We created a display of archival material that started a lively and interesting discussion about their time at the University, which they agreed, had been the best years of their lives.

As part of the visit, Rita kindly donated a number of items she had kept to the University Archive – from her original application and examination papers, to her hockey shirt and Brunel scarf – thank you so much Rita, they are a very welcome addition to our holdings. We were particularly pleased to receive a Brunel scarf – as we have one for all of our predecessor colleges.