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Sidney Oswald Jenkins

Sidney Oswald Jenkins

Date of Birth

7 October 1891


Borough Road College



WW1 rank

Second Lieutenant

R.F.W., att. K.S.L.I, B.E.F.

Date of death

22 August 1918


Loos Memorial (Grave/Memorial reference: Panel 50 to 52)


Second Lieutenant Sidney Oswald Jenkins was born 7 September 1891. He attended Borough Road College for two years, and in addition to his academic studies also took part in cricket, rugby, and football. He is listed as being destined for a school in Swansea. On the annual reports he is also listed as “serving with H.M. Forces”. Jenkins enlisted into the Royal Welsh Fusiliers and was later commissioned. He was later attached to the 10th King Shropshire Light Infantry (Shropshire and Cheshire Yeomanry). He was killed on 22 August 1918.


Mentioned on Framed Borough Road College Roll of Honour, BFSS/2/9/12/10, BFSS/2/9/13/10, BFSS/2/9/14/8 [BRCRU008], BRCSYG52, Secondary source information provided by Douglas Craik (taken from Commonwealth War Graves Commission), 1915 Annual Report, Commonwealth War Graves Commission