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Dr Haoyu Li
Lecturer in Accounting and Financial Management

Eastern Gateway 201


MG3077 Strategic Financial Management

MG5615 Understanding Business and Management Research

MG3117 Issues and Controversies in Accounting Project Book time with Haoyu Li (FYP one-to-one seminar ONLY) (Please let me know if you want an on-site or on-line meeting when you make the appointment.) (This link does not work from 2nd to 24th April 2024. Please book online meeting by email.)

MG1600 introduction to Accounting and Financial Management

Office Hours (by appointment): Monday 4pm-5pm; Tuesday 4pm-5pm.  Book time with Haoyu Li (Regular Office Hours) (Please let me know if you want an on-site or on-line meeting when you make the appointment.) (This link does not work from 2nd to 24th April 2024. Please book online meeting by email.)

I have compiled two learning materias (e-textbooks) about R programming and econometrics and posted them online for free download (see links on the rightside of this webpage).

In Handbook of Econometrics and R: Using R to Solve Computer Cases in Introductory Econometrics (in Chinese), I use R to solve all of the 197 computer questions in the classical textbook, Introductory Econometrics, written by Jeffrey Wooldridge.

In Handbook of R in Action: Memorizing, Practice, and Notes (in Chinese), I recompiled R in Action (by Robert Kabacoff). To let students comprehend, memorize, and practice R language in an efficient way, in my handbook, I put all codes on the left side, and the corresponding explanations and practices on the right side. I also add 162 footnotes to giving examples, explanations, which are friendly to beginners.