Professor Steve Counsell
Wilfred Brown Building 114
- Email: steve.counsell@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266740
Counsell, S., Dashkevich, N. and Destefanis, G. (2020) 'Blockchain Application for Central Banks: A Systematic Mapping Study'. IEEE Access, 8. pp. 1 - 37. ISSN: 2169-3536 Open Access Link
Capiluppi, A., Ajienka, N. and Counsell, S. (2020) 'The effect of multiple developers on structural attributes: A Study based on java software'. Journal of Systems and Software, 167 (September 2020). pp. 1 - 19. ISSN: 0164-1212 Open Access Link
Mendes, E., Bin Ali, N., Counsell, S. and Baldassare, MT. (2019) 'Special issue on evaluation and assessment in software engineering'. Journal of Systems and Software, 151. pp. 224 - 225. ISSN: 0164-1212
Shepperd, M., Ajienka, N. and Counsell, S. (2018) 'The role and value of replication in empirical software engineering results'. Information and Software Technology, 99. pp. 120 - 132. ISSN: 0950-5849 Open Access Link
Destefanis, G., Arzoky, M., Counsell, S., Swift, S., Ortu, M., Tonelli, R. and et al. (2018) '113 times tomcat: A dataset'. PeerJ, 6.
Ajienka, N., Capiluppi, A. and Counsell, S. (2017) 'An empirical study on the interplay between semantic coupling and co-change of software classes'. Empirical Software Engineering, 23 (3). pp. 1791 - 1825. ISSN: 1382-3256 Open Access Link
Ebert, C. and Counsell, S. (2017) 'Toward Software Technology 2050'. IEEE Software, 34 (4). pp. 82 - 88. ISSN: 0740-7459
Kirbas, S., Caglayan, B., Hall, T., Counsell, S., Bowes, D., Sen, A. and et al. (2017) 'The relationship between evolutionary coupling and defects in large industrial software'. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 29 (4). ISSN: 2047-7473 Open Access Link
Destefanis, G., Ortu, M., Counsell, S., Swift, S., Marchesi, M. and Tonelli, R. (2016) 'Software development: do good manners matter?'. PeerJ, 2016 (7). pp. 1 - 35. ISSN: 2167-8359 Open Access Link
O'Cinneide, M., Moghadam, I., Harman, M., Counsell, S. and Tratt, L. (2016) 'An Experimental Search-based Approach to Cohesion Metric Evaluation'. Empirical Software Engineering: an international journal, 22 (1). pp. 292 - 329. ISSN: 1382-3256 Open Access Link
Gatrell, M., Counsell, S., Swift, S., Hierons, RM. and Liu, X. (2015) 'Test and Production Classes of an Industrial C# System: A Refactoring and Fault Perspective'.SEAA '15 Proceedings of the 2015 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications. Madeira, Portugal. 26 - 28 August. IEEE. pp. 35 - 38. ISSN: 1089-6503
Gatrell, M. and Counsell, S. (2015) 'The effect of refactoring on change and fault-proneness in commercial C# software'. Science of Computer Programming, 102. pp. 44 - 56. ISSN: 0167-6423
Scott, MJ., Counsell, S., Lauria, S., Swift, S., Tucker, A., Shepperd, M. and et al. (2015) 'Enhancing Practice and Achievement in Introductory Programming with a Robot Olympics'. IEEE Transactions on Education, 58 (4). pp. 249 - 254. ISSN: 0018-9359 Open Access Link
Hall, T., Bowes, D., Counsell, S., Moonen, L. and Yamashita, A. (2015) 'Software Fault Characteristics: A Synthesis of the Literature'.Open Access Link
Sacchi, L., Tucker, A., Counsell, S., Garway-Heath, D. and Swift, S. (2014) 'Improving predictive models of glaucoma severity by incorporating quality indicators'. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 60 (2). pp. 103 - 112. ISSN: 0933-3657 Open Access Link
Counsell, S., Swift, S., Murgia, A., Tonelli, R., Marchesi, M. and Concas, G. (2014) 'Are some refactorings attached to fault-prone classes and others to fault-free classes?'. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 199. pp. 136 - 147. ISSN: 1865-1348
Yamashita, A. and Counsell, S. (2013) 'Code smells as system-level indicators of maintainability: An empirical study'. Journal of Systems and Software, 86 (10). pp. 2639 - 2653. ISSN: 0164-1212
Alhajri, RA., Counsell, S. and Liu, X. (2013) 'Investigating attributes affecting the performance of WBI users'. Computers and Education, 68. pp. 117 - 128. ISSN: 0360-1315 Open Access Link
Hameed, MA., Counsell, S. and Swift, S. (2012) 'A meta-analysis of relationships between organizational characteristics and IT innovation adoption in organizations'. Information and Management, 49 (5). pp. 218 - 232. ISSN: 1872-7530 Open Access Link
Hall, T., Beecham, S., Bowes, D., Gray, D. and Counsell, S. (2012) 'A systematic literature review of fault prediction performance in software engineering'. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 38 (6). pp. 1276 - 1304. ISSN: 0098-5589 Open Access Link
Mubarak, A., Counsell, S. and Hierons, RM. (2011) 'An evolutionary study of fan-in and fan-out metrics in OSS'. International Journal of Information System Modelling and Design, 2 (4). pp. 1 - 26. ISSN: 1947-8186
Hamza, H. and Counsell, S. (2011) 'Using scoped memory in RTSJ applications: Dynamic analysis of memory consumption'.37th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications. Oulu, Finland. 30 - 2 September. Proceedings of the 37th Euromicro Conference on SEAA 2011.
Gatrell, M. and Counsell, S. (2011) 'Design patterns and fault-proneness a study of commercial C# software'.5th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2011). Gosier. 19 - 21 May. IEEE. pp. 1 - 8. ISSN: 2151-1349
AbouTrab, MS., Counsell, S. and Hierons, RM. (2011) 'GeTex: A tool for testing real-time embedded systems using can applications'.18th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS). Las Vegas, NV. 27 - 29 April. IEEE. pp. 61 - 70.
Counsell, S., Hierons, RM., Hamza, H., Black, S. and Durrand, M. (2010) 'Exploring the eradication of code smells: An empirical and theoretical perspective'. Advances in Software Engineering, 2010. pp. 820103 - 820103. ISSN: 1687-8655 Open Access Link
Hamza, H. and Counsell, S. (2010) 'The impact of varying memory region numbers and nesting on RTSJ execution time'.3rd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE 2010). Chengdu, China. 16 - 18 November. IEEE.
Counsell, S., Loizou, G. and Najjar, R. (2010) 'Evaluation of the 'replace constructors with creation methods' refactoring in Java systems'. IET Software, 4 (5). pp. 318 - 333. ISSN: 1751-8806
Dan, H., Hierons, RM. and Counsell, S. (2010) 'Non-local choice and implied scenarios'.8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2010). Pisa, Italy. 13 - 18 September. IEEE. pp. 53 - 62.
AbouTrab, M., Alrouh, B., Counsell, S., Hierons, RM. and Ghinea, G. (2010) 'A multi-criteria decision making framework for real time model-based testing'.Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference Practice and Research Techniques, 2010 (TAIC PART 2010). Windsor, UK. 3 - 5 September. Springer.
Counsell, S., Hall, T., Nasseri, E. and Bowes, D. (2010) 'An analysis of the "inconclusive' change report category in OSS assisted by a program slicing metric'.36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2010). Lille, France. 1 - 3 September. IEEE. pp. 283 - 286. ISSN: 1089-6503
Hamza, H. and Counsell, S. (2010) 'Improving the performance of scoped memory in RTSJ applications'.36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2010). Lille, France. 1 - 3 September. IEEE.
Counsell, S., Hall, T. and Bowes, D. (2010) 'A theoretical and empirical analysis of three slice-based metrics for cohesion'. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 20 (5). pp. 609 - 636. ISSN: 0218-1940
Tucker, A., Swift, S., Counsell, S., Kent, S., Dickie, J., Liu, K. and et al. (2010) 'Data mining the millennium seedbank at Kew'.Workshop on Data Mining in Agriculture (DMA 2010) at the Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). Berlin/Germany. 14 ibai Publishing. pp. 85 - 94.
Counsell, S., Hamza, H. and Hierons, RM. (2010) 'The ‘deception’ of code smells: An empirical investigation'.32nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI 2010). Cavtat / Dubrovnik, Croatia. 21 - 24 June. IEEE. pp. 683 - 688. ISSN: 1330-1012
Nasseri, E., Counsell, S. and Tempero, E. (2010) 'An empirical study of fan-in and fan-out in Java OSS'.8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA 2010). Montreal, Canada. 24 - 26 May. IEEE. pp. 36 - 41.
Mubarak, A., Counsell, S. and Hierons, RM. (2010) 'An evolutionary study of fan-in and fan-out metrics in OSS'.Fourth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2010). Nice, France. 19 - 21 May. IEEE. pp. 473 - 482. ISSN: 2151-1349
Mubarak, A., Counsell, S. and Hierons, RM. (2010) 'An empirical study of "removed" classes in Java Open-Source systems', in Elleithy, K. (ed.) Advanced Techniques in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering. Springer. pp. 99 - 104. ISBN 13: 978-90-481-3659-9.
Counsell, S., Loizou, G. and Najjar, R. (2010) 'Is manual data collection hampered by the presence of inner classes or class size?', in Elleithy, K. (ed.) Advanced Techniques in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering. Springer. pp. 91 - 97. ISBN 13: 9789048136599.
Nasseri, E., Counsell, S. and Shepperd, M. (2010) 'Class movement and re-location: an empirical study of Java inheritance evolution'. Journal of Systems and Software, 83 (2). pp. 303 - 315. ISSN: 0164-1212 Open Access Link
Abou Trab, MS., Alrouh, B., Counsell, S., Hierons, RM. and Ghinea, G. (2010) 'A multi-criteria decision making framework for real time model-based testing', in Bottaci, L. and Fraser, G. (eds.) Testing - Practice and Research Techniques: Proceedings of the 5th International Academic and Industrial Conference (TAIC PART 2010). Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer. , 6303. pp. 194 - 197. ISBN 10: 3-642-15584-7. ISBN 13: 978-3-642-15584-0.
Gatrell, M., Counsell, S. and Hall, T. (2009) 'Design patterns and change proneness: a replication using proprietary C# software'.16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2009). Lille, France. 13 - 16 October. IEEE Computer Society. pp. 160 - 164. ISSN: 1095-1350
Nasseri, E. and Counsell, S. (2009) 'System Evolution at the Attribute Level: An Empirical Study of Three Java OSS and their Refactorings'.31st International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces. Cavtat, CROATIA. 22 - 25 June. SRCE UNIV COMPUTING CENTRE, UNIV ZAGREB. pp. 653 - 658. ISSN: 1330-1012
Cain, J., Counsell, S., Swift, S. and Tucker, A. (2009) 'An application of intelligent data analysis techniques to a large software engineering dataset'.8th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis. Lyon, FRANCE. Springer. pp. 261 - 272. ISSN: 0302-9743
Aboutrab, MS., Counsell, S. and Hall, T. (2008) 'A theoretical and empirical analysis of a TTCN-3 coupling metric'.2nd European Computing Conference 2008. Malta. 11 - 13 September. WORLD SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING ACAD AND SOC. pp. 95 - 101. ISSN: 1790-5109
Hamza, H., Counsell, S., Hall, T. and Loizou, G. (2008) 'Code smell eradication and associated refactoring'.2nd European Computing Conference 2008. Malta. 11 - 13 September. WORLD SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING ACAD AND SOC. pp. 102 - 107. ISSN: 1790-5109
Parkinson, ST., Counsell, S., Norman, M., Hierons, RM. and Lycett, M. (2008) 'The precursor to an industrial software metrics program'.30th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces. Cavtat, Croatia. 23 - 26 June. IEEE. pp. 221 - 226. ISSN: 1330-1012 Open Access Link
Counsell, S. (2008) 'Is the need to follow chains a possible deterrent to certain refactorings and an inducement to others?'.2nd International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2008). Marrakech, Morocco. 3 - 6 June. IEEE. pp. 111 - 122.
Counsell, S. (2008) 'Do student developers differ from industrial developers?'.30th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces. Cavtat, CROATIA. IEEE. pp. 477 - 482. ISSN: 1330-1012
Counsell, S., Swift, S. and Hierons, RA. (2008) 'A test taxonomy applied to the mechanics of java refactorings', in Sobh, T. (ed.) Advances in Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering. Springer Netherlands. pp. 497 - 502. ISBN 13: 9781402087400.