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Dr Dalia Chakrabarty
Senior Lecturer in Statistics



If you are a prospective Ph.D student or postdoctoral fellow,  with interest/experience in Bayesian Statistics, MCMC-based inference, or Applied Probability, please feel free to contact me. Ph.D research topics that I can supervise on, include the following:

  • Bayesian methodology development: high-dimensional supervised learning; learning in the absence of training data; Bayesian tests; random graphical models and networks,
  • applications: Bayesian learning approaches in Material Science; in Astronomy; graphical models of data from assorted disciplines, prediction without learning in Petrophysics, and computationally intensive projects. 

Research supervision

Ph.D student supervision:

Currently I am working with my Ph.D student, Georgios Stagakis. My first Ph.D student Kangrui Wang finished in 2018, and my second Ph.D student Cedric Spire finished in 2019.

--For his doctoral thesis, Kangrui worked on high-dimensional Bayesian supervised learning methodologies and graphical models of large/small multivariate data using tensor-variate Gaussian Processes; he is interested in exploring kernel parametrisation. Kangrui has made applications of his methods to astronomical data; to the learning of vino-chemical networks of wine samples; to learning the disease-symptom network in humans; and in computing reliability of large tests. He was examined in the summer of 2018, and bagged a postdoctoral position in the Alan Turing Institute thereafter.

--For his doctoral thesis, Cedric pursued a novel Bayesian learning methodology that works by embedding the sought model parameter into the support of the likelihood. He has made applications to learn the probability density of phase spaces of distant galaxies, and learn the total gravitational mass density in these systems. He has attained the UK Intelligence Community Fellowship (funded by the RAEng for 2 years), which he has brought to Brunel, where he is working with me as his university-based supervisor, hs other supervisor being within the UK IC.                                                                                                                                                                                    

-- Georgios Stagakis joined me as my Ph.D student, in 2018. He works on learning after generating the originally-absent training data, with applications to Materials Science and Astronomy.

Postdoctoral supervision:

Currently in Brunel, I am working as the university-based supervisor of UK IC Research Fellow, Dr. Cedric Spire.