Lab 1: Behavioural Science Insights for Sustainability

Knowledge and intentions do not always translate to actual behaviour, yet each day individuals, employees, and consumers make/take small choices/actions that cumulatively have large impacts. It is imperative, now more than ever, to understand decision-making and how behavioural science insights can help us design more effective interventions and policies for sustainability, not only in developed, but also in developing countries. In line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and sustainable development goals, the Behavioural Science Insights for Sustainability research lab theme of the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (CES) aims to advance research and practice of behavioural science insights for sustainability.
Lab Leader
Lab Members
Research Interests
- Behavioural change and communications
- Design for behaviour change
- Pro-environmental behaviour
- Food waste prevention and management
- Recycling plastics
- Energy saving
- Links between environmental responsibility and societal health and well-being
- Net zero and digital
Recent Projects