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PhD topics for research students

Find below a list of currently available self-funded PhD topics.

We encourage all students to contact the supervisor or the alternative contact person for more information and an informal chat to discuss the process of applying and preparing your research statement. For more information on how to apply click here.

Trust In Autonomous Vehicles
Problem Statement Several recent research studies have suggested that “lack of trust” is one of the major factors which is slowing the commercial introduction of autonomous vehicles. While the technol...
Self Funded
Naturalness of autonomous vehicles
Problem Statement Naturalness and simplicity are well known prerequisites of success in product, system and service design. Autonomous vehicles have, however, few precedents in human history and are t...
Self Funded
Artificial Intelligence in customer interactions: factors influencing value creation and sustained use in a variety of contexts (e.g., healthcare and financial services)
As we enter the fourth industrial revolution, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used by more and more organisations - profit seeking and otherwise – to automate processes in more and more business...
Self Funded
Dynamics of seawater intrusion in heterogeneous coastal aquifers
Saltwater intrusion (SWI) in coastal aquifers is one of the main challenges for water resources management. It is a natural process that happens because of the density difference between the denser sa...
Self Funded