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I am a third-year Doctoral Researcher at Brunel Business School, where I am currently exploring the impact of remote work on team leadership in the non-profit sector in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. I am fortunate to have Dr Raffaella Valsecchi as my principal supervisor and Dr Rachel Morgan as my supervisor. Results of this study will contribute to a better understanding of the impact of remote work on team leadership and will provide recommendations for effective team leadership in non-profit organisations. 

Alongside my doctoral thesis, I am also serving as a Graduate School Research Assistant Intern in a project led by Dr Paula Zwozdiak-Myers and Dr Gwen Ineson. Our project is centered around exploring the experiences of doctoral researchers across five critical areas, which include personal goals, supervision, professional development, research culture, and health and wellbeing. As we navigate the aftermath of the pandemic, our research will enable us to identify current practices that work effectively and areas where we can improve. By doing so, we aim to enhance the overall experience of all doctoral researchers.