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Dr Sharanya Murali
Senior Lecturer in Theatre

Gaskell 114


My first degree was in English Literature, having minored in French Literature and Philosophy. I received my MA the following year in Early Modern performance, with a focus on Shakespeare. I subsequently worked in New Delhi in the long-form journalism and publishing industries.

I returned to the UK on a fully-funded scholarship to do a split-site, interdisciplinary PhD between the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS, Bangalore) and the University of Exeter. My PhD interrogated walking in contemporary Delhi as a form of everyday performance. It argued that some of the productive ways to engage with walking practices are by re/considering walking as a practice of performance-ethnography of the city, through the selective lenses of Situationist everyday life, heritage and urban memory.

Following the PhD, I guest-lectured at Sophia College, Mumbai, and worked as a lecturer and studio demonstrator at Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance (London). Prior to joining Brunel University in 2020, I was a lecturer in Drama at the University of Exeter. 


PhD in Drama (University of Exeter)

MA in Staging Shakespeare (University of Exeter)

BA in English Literature (Sophia College, University of Mumbai)