Athletic creative reflects on Brunel Sports Science course

Athletic creative reflects on Brunel Sports Science course

Published: 14 Mar 2023

Sam Neter

I would recommend Brunel to others as it gives you the benefits of campus life whilst also being close enough to experience life in London.

Sam, Undergraduate, Alumni

Owner, Cut The Net Ltd

Sport Sciences (Exercise and Fitness) BSc - 2008

From UK

Tell us about your career journey since you graduated…

I graduated from Brunel in 2008 with a first class Sport Science (Exercise & Fitness) degree, originally wanting to be a strength and conditioning coach. Unable to get a job, I ended up going into charity fundraising, and the next year set up British basketball website which I worked on during evenings and weekends until I was able to go full time with it in 2012.

What does an average day at work involve for you?

A lot of basketball related digital content; it could be video editing, writing, social media, interviews, filming, developing software products, consulting or anything else! We have to balance between doing our own creative projects that might not necessarily make a lot of money, and doing client work which pays the bills.

What’s been the highlight of your career so far?

We run an annual event called the Hoopsfix All-Star Classic which is a showcase of the top junior basketball players in the UK. We sell it out in advance every year, and this year managed to get the highlights on TV. Running that every year is always a highlight.

How would you say Brunel helped you to get where you are today?

It gave me my 'inner circle' of friends who remain my friends/support network to this day and also how to write properly, which has been key to where I have ended up. Learning about the scientific method, how to rigorously analyse data/research and pull relevant information to then craft it into a formally written piece.

Why did you choose to study at Brunel and why would you recommend Brunel to others?

At the time I first applied to Brunel, it was top 4 in the country for basketball and that is what attracted me. I would recommend it to others as it gives you the benefits of campus life whilst also being close enough to experience life in London. I got on very well with a number of lecturers who I found to be super useful throughout the duration of my course.

What is your best memory of studying here?

Countless memories from basketball practices and games, but also setting up an unofficial student's website,, and creating content for that for 2 years. We were on YouTube in the early days; interviewing students, filming sport highlights and doing all sorts of other random stuff which was great fun.

If you could give one piece of advice to new students, what would that be?

Sit at the front of the class and go to office hours every week. I found building personal relationships with lecturers incredibly useful over my three years at Brunel, and it definitely led to me being in a stronger position to be able to succeed as I was not afraid to say when I didn't understand.

What would be your top tip or advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey?

Even if your first job is not in the specific field you want it to be, find a company/person that is, and be willing to work for free. We know all the sayings; you're the average of the 5 people you hang around with the most, your network is your net worth, etc. etc. - ensure you are doing what you can to put yourself in the best position to get to where you want to be.
