The best parts of studying Sports Science at Brunel

The best parts of studying Sports Science at Brunel

Published: 04 Oct 2023

Phoebe Dalley-White

I get plenty of contact hours with the staff and the mixed assessment structure works for me.

Phoebe, Undergraduate

Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences BSc

From UK

Why did you decide to study at Brunel?

There are so many reasons as to why I chose to study my course at Brunel University London. Initially I was recommended to come here by my school teachers in sixth form, but then I saw the variety of modules and opportunities open to me. Plus the labs and sports facilities on offer are fantastic, especially the Indoor Athletics Centre. I also get plenty of contact hours with the staff and the mixed assessment structure works for me.  The academics here challenge me to do my best which I really appreciate.

What do you like about your course?

I liked that the generic Sport, Health and Exercise course lets me keep my career options open and therefore offers pathways into many different areas. I know that I want to work in health, physical activity and well-being in the future.

The things I like most about my course is how hand’s on it is especially the practicals in Physiology.

Did you have the option of undertaking a placement?

I’ve also been on a work placement with Access Sport who run the Ignite Disability Inclusion programme.  The main focus of my work was with women and girls in engagement and re-engagement. This linked in with my dissertation, ‘How and Why do Older People Engage or Disengage From Sport and Physical Activity?’  The Age Simulation suits (which add 30-40 years to the person wearing it) I got to work with were really unique and really helped with my dissertation.
