Student finds her calling at an Occupational Therapy placement

Student finds her calling at an Occupational Therapy placement

Published: 14 Mar 2023

Lisbet Frosdick

As a research department you will get the best minds in Occupational Therapy teaching you.

Lisbet, Undergraduate, Alumni

Occupational Therapy BSc - 2018

From UK

I have always wanted to work with people and help them using my creativity in a way in which no two days were ever the same.  I wanted to feel that I was doing something valuable that would make a difference to people’s lives and maximise their function and wellbeing. I have really enjoyed being able to do that. I loved my neurorehabilitation placement because it was so diverse and interesting.

I’ve liked learning all the creative ways Occupational Therapists can work with clients to solve problems and improve their quality of life. I especially enjoyed the ‘groups in action’ study module that showed us how we can implement therapy via activities.

On my placement I was able to take the time to build a rapport with my client so I could really understand their needs; working with them to develop an activity-based treatment plan that was meaningful to them.

At Brunel you will get the chance to undertake placements in many different parts of London. Teaching staff at Brunel are very supportive and knowledgeable. As a research department you will get the best minds in Occupational Therapy teaching you.
