Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Guide

Guidance for getting support following Sexual Violence or Sexual Harassment 

Sexual violence or sexual harassment are sexual acts, behaviours, or conduct that are unwanted or uninvited. They can be face to face or online, and can be intimidating, offensive, humiliating or an abuse of power. 

If you believe you have experienced an incident of sexual violence or sexual harassment, you are encouraged to get help as soon as you can. The University recognises that these incidents can be very distressing. You should not have to tolerate it or blame yourself.  

If you experience sexual assault or sexual harassment, the University encourages you to report the incident as soon as possible. However you should not be pressured into making a report if you don't feel comfortable doing so - the University will respect your decision. 

The University takes its statutory obligations to eliminate and prevent sexual violence and sexual harassment very seriously and is committed to ensuring robust procedures are in place to handle any incidents and provide appropriate sensitive support. See Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy.

How to get support: 
You are encouraged to act promptly and should not feel any sexual violence or sexual harassment is your fault. You don’t have to wait until the situation is repeated or exacerbated. 

If there is a real threat to personal safety of any person, you should report it to Security on 01895 255786 and or the police on 999 immediately. 

There are a number of options for seeking help depending on what you need and how you would like to proceed, See table overleaf: 

If you feel able to do so, it is useful to make a note of any details, including any dates and times so that you can give evidence. You should also note if there were any witnesses present. Where possible and safe to do so, taking photos or screenshots of any offensive behaviour can also be very helpful.  

The University takes all allegations very seriously and commits to handling them sensitively and appropriately under its formal processes. However if you have reported the incident to the Police, then University action is likely to be suspended while the Police conducts its investigation. In the meantime, the University may take urgent temporary action if this considered necessary and proportionate.   

If you are a student 
Report the incident to Security on 255786. 

Contact Student Centre either face to face or via phone 67045 or email

Seek advice or discuss the matter with a personal tutor or lecturer in your College or anyone else who you feel comfortable with. 

Report it via the Report and Support Portal where you can disclose your personal details or make an anonymous report.

Call the police on 999.  

Get emotional support – at the University email: or phone: 01895 267045 or contact external agencies – see Appendix C in policy for suggestions. 

If you are an employee 
Report the incident to Security on 255786.  

Report it via the Report and Support Portal where you can disclose your personal details or make an anonymous report.

Contact Human Resources either face to face or via phone or email. 

Contact an Anti-Harassment Advisor here.

Contact the Equality and Diversity Team on

Seek advice or discuss the matter with your line manager or a colleague who you feel comfortable with. 

Call the police on 999.  

Get emotional support from the employee assistance programme - Call 0800 174 319 or visit Carefirst Lifestyle quoting ‘brunel’ as your username and ‘employee’ as your password.  

Contact a trade union representative.