Poster Policy - Posters around campus

Date: 25th November, 2021
Review date: 2023

1. Purpose

There are a variety of reasons why advertisement via posters or banners may be used across the University campus. They can be an effective means of promoting the many different services and activities the University organises throughout the year, but if left unmanaged they can cause issues; such as:

  • Damage to the University’s property.
  • Authorised promotional spaces become cluttered, not allowing fair usage for all
  • Compromised appearance of public spaces
  • Inadequately secured posters litter the environment
  • Allows for the promotion of inappropriate or unauthorised material
  • Combustible display material in corridors and circulation spaces
  • Can become soiled or discoloured in bad weather and become unsightly

2. Scope

This policy is designed to regulate the use of posters and banners in communal spaces across the University and applies to all Brunel staff, students, contractors and visitors. Posters may be displayed in communal spaces on campus only if they comply with the procedures outlined in this document.

3. Endorsement

Posters and banners in communal spaces must only be placed in authorised locations. Academic buildings, residential halls, offices and external areas offer notice boards throughout; these areas only can be used. Posters found in unauthorised locations will be removed.

Only University staff, students and official University personnel may display posters on University property or distribute promotional material on campus. Any organisation that does not fall into these categories must receive prior authorisation from the University.

4. Non-permissible advertisements

The following advertising will not be approved and is not permitted anywhere on campus:

  • Materials that do not comply with the University policies.
  • Materials containing: trademarks, reference to illegal drugs. Obscene, pornographic, libellous, vulgar, racist, homophobic, sexist or otherwise offensive references.
  • Unauthorised materials advertising rental accommodation.
  • Materials advertising off campus employment opportunities not related to the Brunel Community.
  • Unauthorised catering advertising e.g. pizza deliveries.

The following locations must not be used for advertising:

  • On staircase railings
  • On walls
  • On doors or windows
  • On lights or heaters
  • In or on lifts
  • Οn floors
  • On furniture
  • Attached to or covering fire extinguishers, hose cabinets, exit markers or any other safety equipment
  • In any other location where they may constitute a safety hazard

5. Language

Posters may be printed in any language providing they are legible, reasonably sized and translations can be acquired from the sponsoring organisation if requested.

6. Definitions

A poster is defined to be a large printed picture, photograph, or notice that you stick or pin to a wall or board, for decoration or to advertise. The maximum permitted poster size allowed on a notice board is A2 (16.5” x 23.4"/420 x 594 mm).

A banner is defined to be a piece of material bearing a symbol, logo, slogan or other message, that is hung in a public place.

A notice board is deemed to be an area allocated solely for the purpose of displaying posters. These may be in the form of plastic sheeting or Perspex lining a wall, or an information notice board.

Notice boards will comply with Class 0 when assessed to BS 476 Parts 6 & 7.

BS 476-6 Class 0 fire rating is part of UK building regulations for fire safety within and around buildings, covering material such as wood and wood-based wall coverings and internal linings.

7. Poster Locations

Posters are permitted to be displayed on notice boards only, and cannot be placed on other surfaces across the University. Any posters found adhered to walls or any other unauthorised locations will be removed and the responsible department or individual will be contacted.

Under no circumstances can a poster be adhered to a wall or surface that is not intended for that purpose, blue tack and sticky tape cause significant damage to surfaces. In the event of damage caused the repair cost may be passed on to the offending department or individual.

Under no circumstances should any posters be secured to the campus way finding signage monoliths.

All posters must display a clear expiry date and contact information for subsequent removal. The poster must then be removed by the user once the intended purpose has expired to allow other users to display their posters. Posters will be removed by authorised personnel if a poster has expired. Posters can only be adhered using blue/white tack, clear tape, masking tape on Perspex boards or pins if on a notice board and must not overlap or restrict the view of neighbouring posters.

No duplicate posters are permitted on individual boards.

8. Exemptions

There may be at certain times throughout the year, exemptions to the rules and procedures outlined above. An example of this would be notices which require only a one day posting period, such as to provide directional information for groups visiting campus, or to announce a class cancellation.  These may be stuck to doors, windows and walls providing they are adhered with masking tape only and removed the following day by the department that put them up.

All exemptions must be preauthorised by a senior University representative.

This Policy does not apply to Estates in the course of their usual work or to the Health & Safety dept. displaying notices such as, but not limited to, Fire route information, COVID-related safety advice etc.