03 Jun 2020 to 08 Jul 2020
The six webinar sessions are for trading businesses in London
3rd June 2020, 15:00 - 17:00pm
Brunel Go for Growth Programme
6-week business growth programme
Brunel Hive and Co-Innovate is launching a 6-week business growth programme, delivered via Zoom, to help you and your business adapt and deal with these challenging times. The programme is firmly built on entrepreneurial learning styles, with insights from academics, business coaches and business leaders on how to adapt to the challenges and reinvigorate your business to serve the changed market needs.
Participants will focus on adapting and developing the business growth in relation to six key areas:
Webinar 1: 3rd June 2020
Adapt Your Strategy and Business Model for Growth
Webinar 2: 10th June 2020
Manage Your Cash flow to Survive and Thrive
Webinar 3: 17th June 2020
Transitioning Your Sales & marketing messaging and approach
Webinar 4: 24th June 2020
Nurture Your People through Uncertainty
Webinar 5: 1st July 2020
Build a Strong Mind-Set and Leadership skills to lead the Change
Webinar 6: 8th July 2020
Exceed Customer service expectations to retain Current Clients
Programme Format
Spread over 6 weekly sessions.
After each session you will be challenged to implement what you have learned and report back on your progress. You will leave each session with a practical tool kit and be invited to be part of EngagedBBS network.
Key Programme Highlights
- Hands on real business challenge using practical tool kits for business growth.
- One-to-One and peer-to-peer mentoring support.
- Focus on doing through peer action learning.
- Be part of West London business ecosystem.
- Time away to explore the strategic opportunities for your business.
Programme Cost
Free to London based businesses willing to commit to change, and full participation required.
Who is this Programme for?
All London based businesses across various industries and sectors, which are committed to make change and grow the business to overcome the challenges during this crisis.
Places are limited to 15 businesses per cohort. Please note the webinars are fully booked at the moment but we will have similar sessions coming up in the future.