

The glorious month of moustachioed men is back: Movember!

Since 2003, the ‘Movember’ movement has been encouraging the growth of fuzzy top lips in order to raise awareness and funds for charities set up to battle prostate cancer - the most common cancer in men in the UK.

In order to recognise the efforts made by those who are participating, and to give them inspiration not only in growing their facial coiffure, but styling their magnificent moustaches into  works of art, we have selected a few photographs from the archives to provide a standard to aspire to.


Photo 1: H. L. Withers, Principal of Borough Road College 1893-1900.

In this photograph  Principal Withers, sports a contemporary fashionable moustache from the turn of the 20th century.  Moustache wax is used to curl up the edges to add some flair.