Brunel’s Computer Science school has been recognised for its pledge on gender equality with a bronze award from the respected Athena SWAN Foundation.
It’s the department’s second claim to the tag and means it joins Clinical Sciences, Life Sciences and Mathematics which hold the same title.
Started in 2005, The Athena SWAN (Scientific Women's Academic Network) Award is a national drive to level up gender equality and help women up the higher education career ladder. Led by Advance HE, it aims to promote and reward good practice to recruit, keep and promote women academics in all subjects.
“We are committed to creating a fairer and more equal department,” said Computer Science head, Professor Kate Hone, thanking her team. "The self-reflection built into the Athena SWAN process is crucial to mapping out our route to achieve this."
Dr Gulce Ipek from Brunel Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion team said the title shows lockdown didn’t dent the school’s hard work and focus: “This is a fantastic achievement as a result of good teamwork and honest assessment of the department's gender diversity. We continue to support Computer Science to create a more inclusive work place and engage diverse communities in particular students and staff members from BAME backgrounds."
Read more about Brunel University London's Department of Computer Science