Practice Supervisors (PS) are registered nurses, registered nursing associates, midwives or registered health or social care professionals. They have current knowledge and experience and are appropriately prepared for the role. Ensures learning opportunities are facilitated Contributes to assessment and records regular feedback Seeks feedback from other supervisors
What is my role in supporting the student?
You have responsibilities for overseeing the student’s progress during the placement. You will undertake the initial interview in the placement with the student which includes supporting the student to identify their learning opportunities and completion of the learning plan.
What is my role in assessing the student?
The Practice Assessor has responsibility for student assessment. Practice Supervisors have an important role in contributing to assessment and giving regular feedback and the following can be undertaken by the Practice Supervisor to contribute to the student’s assessment. Initial interview on placement Professional Values at midpoint interview Proficiencies as appropriate and relevant to your scope of practice and professional role
What is my relationship with other identified roles?
You will record feedback on the student’s progress and liaise with other Practice Supervisors and the Practice Assessor to give feedback to inform the Practice Assessor’s decisions.
What if I am not a registered nurse and supervising the student?
A range of registered health or social care professionals can support and supervise student learning and contribute to the student’s assessment within their scope of practice.
Protected learning time – NMC guidance on protected learning time in your AEI
Organisations must ensure that nursing associate students have protected learning time in line with one of these two options (NMC 2018)
Option B: nursing associate students who are on work-placed learning routes: Are released for at least 20 percent of the programme for academic study
Are released for at least 20 percent of the programme time, which is assured protected learning time in external practice placements, enabling them to develop the breadth of experience required for a generic role. Protected learning time must be assured for the remainder of the required programme hours
The NMC does not require nursing associate students to be supernumerary while learning in practice, but the student must have protected learning time. The decision about how this is provided is for AEIs and their practice placement partners.
All students must be supervised when they are learning in practice. The level of supervision will depend on level of risk associated with tasks or interventions, and the competence and confidence of the student.