Dr Simon Kent
Honorary Reader
Wilfred Brown Building 111
- Email: simon.kent@brunel.ac.uk
I am an Honorary Reader at Brunel now working at the University of Nottingham. I was previously Director of Learning and Teaching in the Department of Computer Science. I have a combination of academic and commercial skills from my experience as a university lecturer and as a software architect in the financial services industry.
My current focus is on improving Digital Higher Education. In this area, I was responsible for the first large-scale deployment in the UK of a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) approach to examinations in the Department of Computer Science at Brunel. I am now looking at how the rich data from digital assessment can be used to improve our understanding of our students to better serve their needs.
I also have interests in machine learning, distributed computing and in improving the way we teach our students to be excellent software engineers. I want to bring industry closer to academia in order that universities better serve society through research and students through making them better prepared for the workplace.
Newest selected publications
Kent, S. and Ahmi, A. (2013) 'The Utilisation of Generalised Audit Software (GAS) by External Auditors'. Managerial Auditing Journal, 28 (2). pp. 88 - 113. ISSN: 0268-6902 Open Access Link
McVean, A., Kent, S., Bakanov, A., Hobbs, T. and Anderson, R. (2012) 'Development and validation of 'AutoRIF': software for the automated analysis of radiation-induced foci'. Genome Integrity, 3 (1). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 2041-9414 Open Access Link
Kent, S., Broadbent, P., Warren, N. and Gulliver, S. (2008) 'On-demand HD video using jini based grid'.IEEE 2008 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. Hannover, Germany. IEEE. pp. 1045 - 1048.Open Access Link
Ghinea, G., Kent, S., Frank, AO. and Chana, GS. (2007) 'Visualization of back pain data - a 3D solution'. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 11 (5). pp. 595 - 597. ISSN: 1089-7771 Open Access Link
Johnson, R. and Kent, S. (2007) 'Designing universal access: web-applications for the elderly and disabled'. Cognition, Technology and Work, 9 (4). pp. 209 - 218. ISSN: 1435-5558