Studying a PG degree at Brunel

Posted: May 17 2023

Hima, MSc Physician Associate
Hima, MSc Physician Associate

Why I wanted to do a postgraduate degree:

I had previously completed a Biomedical Science Undergraduate degree in the West Midlands, and I wanted a degree that was going to increase my clinical knowledge. At the time, I was also considering working in a clinical setting alongside doctors and nurses. As I researched more, I learned about the Physician Associate (PA) degree, and the prospect of this was very appealing to me. Furthermore, as I had previous work experience in a hospital-based environment, I felt surer that this was something I really wanted to pursue. This was another factor that prompted me to apply for the Physician Associate programme.

Before starting my postgraduate degree, I knew very little about the PA program. However, I did a lot of research regarding the course as well as using reliable websites, such as the Faculty of Physician Associates, this gave me a better understanding of the role and how it fitted into the NHS. Here is a link to the Faculty of Physicians Associates page for more info:

What I studied as an undergraduate:

I studied Biomedical Science for my undergraduate degree. Although this degree was in the scientific field, the course was lab-based, where I was investigating cellular structures on a microscopic scale. Although I enjoyed my undergraduate degree, I wanted to pursue something that was more clinical where I would have direct contact with patients.

Why I chose to do this degree at Brunel:

I picked Brunel due to various reasons. One of the reasons was that I was in a Midlands-based University for three years and I wanted a fresh new start. I wanted a university where I could meet new people and also somewhere that was very multicultural. I also like the prospect of being near the capital city, London, and having good transport links to various regions in London. I had colleagues who had also gone to Brunel and had given very good reviews of the university. This prospect appealed to me. I had various interviews and finally picked Brunel as the university I wanted to go to.

Benefits for PG students:

During my postgraduate degree, I’ve learned so much and have changed as an individual. I have been able to become more confident as time has gone on as well as making friends for life. I have learned how to work under pressure and how important teamwork is particularly in the physician associate role where you work alongside medical professionals in a multidisciplinary team.

Financial benefits for PG students:

Currently, there are many bursaries and grants available for students who are considering studying a postgraduate degree. Please explore more using the link below:

I hope this helps and I hope you choose Brunel for your further studies! 🙂