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My, how we've grown! (Progress Update)

Posted: Thursday 3rd January 2019

Author: Claudia Cox

In today's update we'll have a belated celebration of our progress post for implementation last year, since at the start of this academic year we also began introducing WISEflow in the College of Health and Life Sciences. 


Training Stats

By November last year, we had run 8 training sessions and trained approximately 80 individuals. By the end of 2017/8 we'd run 28 group sessions and trained over 200 members of staff! We've also seen a considerable increase in the number of bespoke sessions being booked. These have shifted towards typically being booked by people who have already attended a group training session and have some foundational knowledge, and now want to expand on that. 


Assessments Migrating to WISEflow

Perhaps one of the most exciting bits of the progress update; we've checked in and revisited the number of assessments set up in WISEflow for all modules in the College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences (CEDPS)*. 


Modules in CEDPS by November 2017/8:

Dept. % in WISEflow No. of mods in WISEflow % of total modules No. of total modules
Computer Science 38.8% 42 82.3% 51
Electronic/ Computer Engineering 23.1% 25 17.6% 142
Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering 21.2% 23 15.2% 151
Civil/ Environmental Engineering 10.1% 11 14.1% 78
Design 4.6% 5 10% 50
Maths 1.8% 2 2.6% 76
    108   548

Modules in CEDPS by the end of 2017/8:

Dept. % in WISEflow No. of mods in WISEflow % of total modules No. of total modules
Computer Science 15.4% 46 90.1% 51
Electronic/ Computer Engineering 29.1% 87 61.2% 142
Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering 28.8% 86 56.9% 151
Civil/ Environmental Engineering 16.4% 49 62.8% 78
Design 5.7% 17 34% 50
Maths 4.3% 13 17.1% 76
    298   548

*this excludes study blocks, which do not have any assessments associated with them. 


There are so many things to observe and celebrate here! We've more than doubled the total number of modules with assessments in WISEflow for the College. Additionally, while the Computer Science department no longer accounts for the majority of the College's interactions with WISEflow (because activity has increased so much in other departments), they've successfully implemented its use in just over 90% of their own modules and are coming ever closer to using WISEflow for all assessments. There are also very respectable increases in all other areas.

We can't wait to look at this again at the end of this academic year, alongside the College of Health and Life Sciences.



We've had 26 digital examinations confirmed for the winter period - that's as much as we had in our main examinations period in May last year! Given how much the digital exams in the winter period have expanded, we also felt it prudent to begin running the same week long drop-in preparation sessions that we do for the main period. We alerted administrative and academic teams about the dates, times and locations so that this information could be disseminated through the taught programmes offices and lectures, and we also put up plenty of posters to advertise:

 WISEflow practice session poster (blog)

 As a result of this, we saw a grand total of approximately 314 unique students over the course of the week. Once the drop-in sessions were over we extended the duration of the practice exams we'd set up so that students had an extra week to give it a go, which boosted the total number of students who engaged with the practice sessions to approximately 429. The extra push in communication and advertising seems to have helped these numbers a lot. 

All of these increases suggest that there are big things approaching for the May examinations in 2018/9, but for now we'll focus on finishing the last week of our Winter exams. Onwards and upwards!