Dr Alan Serrano Rico

Dr. Alan Serrano is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Brunel University London, UK, where he also received his PhD in Information Systems and an MSc in Data Communication Systems. Dr Serrano is director of MSc programme of Business Systems Integration (with SAP technology) at Brunel, one of the pioneering programmes in the UK that incorporates the practical use of SAP in the classroom. Previous to his appointment at Brunel he has worked in industry and public sectors in Mexico for a number of years, in the areas of computer networks and information systems development. His research interest lies in the area of information systems and organisational strategy. More specifically, Dr Serrano focuses on undertaking research that aims to solve the real-life challenges organisations face when adopting information and communication technologies (ICT) in complex environments. Some examples of collaboration with industry includes BMW group in UK, AXA Insurance UK, PepsiCo Latin America, the National Health Service (NHS) in UK, Centrica Energy UK, Jaguar & Land Rover UK, and Standard Chartered UK. Dr Serrano has exposed his work in more than 26 publications in recognised journals and international conferences such as the European Journal of Information Systems, Electronic Markets, the International Journal of Information Management, and the International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems.

Use of software development tools is made available to Brunel University by the Academic Training Partner Program from Visual Paradigm for educational use.


It is one of my priorities to make scientific research more accessible and useful for industry and society. To this end I am actively participating with industry and related players. For example I am in the advisory board of the BTO research and innovation for business programme in Italy and UK. http://www.btoresearch.com/index.php/en/ and I supervise one PhD student in the area of scientific impact and dissemination.

Research area(s)

I would not like to box myself into a specific area, as I believe the Information Systems domain expands in many directions and I find all of these fascinating. I have done research on health care, programme management, and business process and simulation to mention a few. Most of my formal research however, lies within the area of information system and business strategy. Today I am very passionate about finding effective ways for dissemination of academic knowledge to wider audiences; applying academic research in real context (industry) and the social network phenomena in general.