Mr Gerard Conway
Senior Lecturer & Professional Liaison Tutor
Elliott Jaques 063
- Email: gerard.conway@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 267492
I have taught law at Brunel since 2007. From 2007-2010, I held a Lectureship in Public Law at Brunel sponsored by the City Solicitors' Educational Trust. My PhD research, which I commenced at Queen's University Belfast and completed at Brunel University, was supported by a fees scholarship from the Department of Education & Learning of Northern Ireland (2005-2008) and by a Modern Law Review Doctoral Scholarship (2006-2008). During 2005-2006, I worked as one of a group of researchers under Prof. Tom Hadden of the School of Law of Queen’s University Belfast on a research contract with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on the topic of minority representation in the criminal justice sector. Research based on work for my Master’s degree was published in a number of journals, including the European Journal of International Law and the International Criminal Law Review.
I worked as a lecturer in law at Leeds Metropolitan University (now Leeds Beckett University) from 2006-2007 and was a tutor in law in Jurisprudence at Queen's University Belfast in 2005-2006. I have also been a visiting lecturer in international law on the LL.M programme at the University of Buckingham in 2009-2010 and an associate lecturer at Greenwich School of Management from 2013-2018. Prior to becoming an academic, I worked for almost three years as a legal research officer in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions of Ireland (2002-2005); as a judicial researcher to the judges of the Ciruit, High and Supreme Courts of Ireland in the Judges' Library in Ireland (2001-2002 for seven months); and as a legal trainee in Legal Division of the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs (for six months in 2001-2002).
BA - Law & European Studies (Limerick 1998), BL - Barrister-at-Law (King's Inns 2000), M.Juris - Master of International & Comparative Law (Uppsala 2001), PhD (Brunel 2011), PGCertLTHE (Brunel 2010)
Convenor for Postgraduate Assessments
Professional Liaison (SRA/BSB) Representative
Newest selected publications
Conway, G. (2025) 'Reform of the Court of Justice', in Arnull, A. and Tridimas, T. (eds.) The European Court of Justice and its Critics. London : Hart Publishing. ISBN 10: 1-5099-6283-2. ISBN 13: 978-1-5099-6281-5. Open Access Link
Conway, G. (2024) 'Res Judicata in the Context of Criminal Proceedings and Subsequent Civil Proceedings: Towards an EU Approach in a Comparative Perspective', in Turmo, A. (ed.) L'autorité des jugements en droit européen. Brussels : Bruylant-Intersentia. pp. 51 - 75. ISBN 13: 9782802774006. Open Access Link
Herlin-Karnell, E., Conway, G. and Ganesh, A. (2021) 'European Union Law in Context'. Hart Publishing Limited. ISSN 10: 1849467013 ISSN 13: 9781849467018
Conway, G. (2020) 'Articles 68-71 and 82-86 TFEU', in Centre for International Legal Studies. (ed.) Smit & Herzog on the Law of the European Union (2021 edition). London : Lexis-Nexis. ISBN 13: 9780820569710.
Conway, G. (2019) 'Review of Proportionality and the Rule of Law (edited by G. Huscroft, B.W. Miller, G. Webber, Cambridge University Press, 2012)'. Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, 3. pp. 596 - 612. ISSN: 2452-0578 Open Access Link