Dr Sven Fischer
Lecturer in Economics
Newest selected publications
Fischer, S., Güth, W., Kaplan, TR. and Zultan, R. (2021) 'Auction with leaks about early bids: Analysis and experimental behavior'. Economic Inquiry, 59 (2). pp. 722 - 739. ISSN: 0095-2583 Open Access Link
Alberti, F., Fischer, S., Güth, W. and Tsutsui, K. (2017) 'Concession Bargaining: An Experimental Comparison of Protocols and Time Horizons'. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 62 (9). pp. 2017 - 2039. ISSN: 0022-0027 Open Access Link
Cipriani, M., Guarino, A., Guazzarotti, G., Tagliati, F. and Fischer, S. (2017) 'Informational Contagion in the Laboratory'. Review of Finance, 22 (3). pp. 877 - 904. ISSN: 1572-3097 Open Access Link
Dekel, S., Fischer, S. and Zultan, R. (2017) 'Potential Pareto Public Goods'. Journal of Public Economics, 146. pp. 87 - 96. ISSN: 0047-2727 Open Access Link
Fischer, S., Grechenig, K. and Meier, N. (2016) 'Monopolizing sanctioning power under noise eliminates perverse punishment but does not increase cooperation'. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10 (SEP). pp. 180. ISSN: 1662-5153 Open Access Link