Dr Jessica Chelekis
Senior Lecturer in Sustainability Global Value Chains
Eastern Gateway 211
- Email: jessica.chelekis@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 268447
Dr Jessica Chelekis is the MBA Director and senior lecturer in Sustainability and Global Value Chains. She is also a member of the Marketing and Corporate Brand Management Research Group.
Jessica is an expert in marketing and consumer research, with a focus on how socio-cultural forces shape consumption patterns and values in modern societies.She is particularly interested in critical consumption studies – how and why consumers use ethical and political beliefs to guide their consumption choices.
Past research projects include an ethnographic study of direct sales and household economies in the lower Brazilian Amazon, an analysis of culture and regional scales in consumer research, and how industries can develop virtuous auras. Jessica is currently conducting a qualitative study on sleep routines, sleep-related consumption, and consumer selfhood in the UK.
Jessica holds a PhD from Indiana University in Socio-cultural Anthropology, where she studied with reknown economic anthropologist Professor Richard Wilk. Before joining Brunel she taught marketing modules at University of Manchester and in the Marketing and Management Anthropology programme at University of Southern Denmark.
Jessica teaches Consumer Behaviour and Research Methods for PGT students. She has also delivered specialised lectures and workshops on qualitative research methods and the role of anthropology in marketing.
Newest selected publications
Bajde, D., Chelekis, J. and van Dalen, A. (2022) 'The megamarketing of microfinance: Developing and maintaining an industry aura of virtue'. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39 (1). pp. 134 - 155. ISSN: 0167-8116 Open Access Link
Singh, P., Brown, DM., Chelekis, J., Apostolidis, C. and Dey, BL. (2022) 'Sustainability in the Beer and Pub Industry During the COVID-19 Period: An Emerging New Normal'. Journal of Business Research, 141. pp. 656 - 672. ISSN: 0148-2963 Open Access Link
Chelekis, J. (2018) 'Direct Sales in the Amazon: Precariously Mediating Regimes of Value', in Hahn, HP. (ed.) Markets as Place and Spaces of Economic Exchange: Archaeological and Ethnographical Perspectives. Oxford : Oxbow Books. pp. 208 - 227. ISBN 13: 9781785708930.
Chelekis, J. (2018) 'Informal debt in Amazonia: Market relationships and the art of collecting payment', in Hahn, H. and Schmitz, G. (eds.) Market As Place and Space of Economic Exchange Perspectives from Archaeology and Anthropology. Oxbow Books Limited. pp. 208 - 219. ISBN 10: 1785708937.
Chelekis, JA. (2017) 'Risks and strategies of Amazonian households: Retail sales and mass-market consumption among caboclo women'. Economic Anthropology, 4 (2). pp. 173 - 185. ISSN: 2330-4847 Open Access Link