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Professor Mark Neocleous
Professor - Critique of Political Economy

Marie Jahoda 237


I am Professor of the Critique of Political Economy in the Department of Social and Political Sciences, having joined Brunel in 1994 in what was then a Department of Government. I am a critical theorist who focuses on questions of state and capital, especially as they pertain to police, security, and war. I also have an interest in the political imagination, especially concerning bodies, monstrosity, subjectivity, fear and death.

I am currently working on a book called The Most Beautiful Suicide.

My most recent book is Pacification: Social War and the Power of Police (Verso, 2025).

In 2024 The Security Abolition Manifesto was published, co-authored as part of The Anti-Security Collective (Red Quill Books). The book can be downloaded for free here. The book is available in Greek translation here. The book is currently being translated into Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian.

Other recent books include The Politics of Immunity (Verso, 2022).

More detail of my research is given in the links above called 'Research' and 'Selected Publications'. The 'Selected Publications' section lists only my books. Most of my published work, including my books, is available for free on shadow libraries. Much of it is also available either here: 

or here:

If there is a publication of mine that you can't find on those sites, email me and I'll do my best to provide it. 


  • PhD Philosophy (Middlesex)
  • MSc Politics and Sociology (Birkbeck)
  • BSc Philosophy and Sociology (City)

Newest selected publications

Neocleous, M. (2025) 'Pacification: Social War and the Power of Police'. London: Verso. ISSN 13: 9781804294017


Neocleous, M. and Boukalas, C. (2024) 'Πρόληψη, ασφάλεια, αστυνομία: θεωρία ενάντια στο επερχόμενο κράτος'. Athens: Affect Editions. ISSN 13: 978-618-86986-2-8


Neocleous, M. and The Anti-Security Collective. (2024) 'The Security Abolition Manifesto'. Ottawa: Red Quill. ISSN 13: 978-1926958385


Neocleous, M. (2022) 'The Politics of Immunity: Security and the Policing of Bodies'. Verso Books. ISSN 10: 183976483X ISSN 13: 9781839764837


Neocleous, M. (2021) 'A Critical Theory of Police Power'. Verso. ISSN 13: 978-1788735209

More publications(16)

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