Dr Marko Aunedi
Senior Lecturer in Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Howell Building 236
- Email: marko.aunedi@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 267223
Marko Aunedi is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Brunel University London with 23 years of research experience in energy system modelling and optimisation. He obtained his MEng and MSc degrees from the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and his PhD from Imperial College London. Between 2007 and 2023 he held several positions at Imperial College London, most recently the role of Advanced Research Fellow.
Marko's research interests cover system integration of renewables and low-carbon technologies in future energy systems, impact assessment of heat and transport electrification, integrated whole-energy system modelling, impact of flexible demand and benefits of energy storage. His expertise lies in building optimisation and simulation models for low-carbon energy systems.
Marko contributed to many European and UK-based research projects focused on energy system flexibility and grid impact of transport and heat decarbonisation. He has led several strategically important studies on the value of flexibility for energy system decarbonisation carried out for organisations such as the Climate Change Committee (CCC), BEIS, Ofgem and Carbon Trust, as well as for many industrial partners.
Marko has published over 40 papers and delivered invited lectures on smart grids and energy storage in various events around the world. He regularly reviews manuscripts for leading energy journals and research project proposals for EPSRC, Innovate UK and Latvian Council of Science. As an external expert, he has worked with major international organisations such as IRENA, IEA, IAEA and the UNFCCC Secretariat.
PhD in Electrical Engineering, Imperial College London, 2013.
MSc in Electrical Engineering, University of Zagreb, 2006.
MEng in Electrical Engineering, University of Zagreb, 2000.
Newest selected publications
Aunedi, M., Olympios, AV., Pantaleo, AM., Markides, CN. and Strbac, G. (2023) 'System-driven design and integration of low-carbon domestic heating technologies'. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 187. pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 1364-0321 Open Access Link
Grunewald, P., Aunedi, M., Nosratabadi, SM., Morstyn, T., Savelli, I., Kumtepeli, V. and (2023) 'Taking the long view on short-run marginal emissions: how much carbon does flexibility and energy storage save?'. Oxford Open Energy, 2. pp. 1 - 6.Open Access Link
et al.Giannelos, S., Borozan, S., Aunedi, M., Zhang, X., Ameli, H., Pudjianto, D., (2023) 'Modelling Smart Grid Technologies in Optimisation Problems for Electricity Grids'. Energies, 16 (13). pp. 1 - 15.Open Access Link
et al.Aunedi, M., Al Kindi, AA., Pantaleo, AM., Markides, CN. and Strbac, G. (2023) 'System-driven design of flexible nuclear power plant configurations with thermal energy storage'. Energy Conversion and Management, 291. pp. 1 - 14. ISSN: 0196-8904 Open Access Link
Aunedi, M. and Strbac, G. (2022) 'System Benefits of Residential Heat Storage for Electrified Heating Sector in the United Kingdom'.2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe). Novi Sad, Serbia. 10 - 12 October. IEEE. pp. 1 - 5.