Dr Olinkha Gustafson-Pearce
HP Lecturer - Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences
Research supervision
Olinkha is currently first supervisor to two PhD and three MA students.
Current Postgraduate Research Projects
An investigative approach to the Visual semiotics in Advertising Billboards. In this study consideration is given to the visual semiotics and placing of advertising billboards in a Middle Eastern environment.
Developing a methodology for the development of urban spaces within cultural contexts. In this study the focus will be on introducing new concepts for dealing with urban conceptual designs to allow residents to reclaim their cultural space, thereby amplifying the cognitive sense of place.
Information overload in broadsheets newspapers in UK. To propose a newspaper index concept with colour and signs coding system which helps readers to navigate information easier.
Improving the reading experience of the Chinese mid-class office workers. Investigation of the reading habits of Chinese office workers and developing concepts to encourage reading in this community.
Developing an aid to understanding for medical family health history (genetic) information. In this project an understanding of the user requirements for dissemination of family health history is considered.