Dr Anne Chappell
Head of Department / Reader - Education
Gaskell Building 226
Membership and affiliation
Professional Memberships/Networks
Anne co-convenes the BSA's Auto/Biography Study Group: Auto/Biography Study Group (britsoc.co.uk) with Dr Carly Stewart, Bournemouth University and also belongs to the following groups:
- Association for Narrative Research and Practice
- Association for Physical Education (afPE)
- Biographical Narrative and Lifecourse Research Group (BNLRG) of the Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI) British Education Research Association (BERA)
- British Sociological Association (BSA)
- Gender and Education Association (GEA)
- International Professional Development Association (IPDA)
- Senior Fellow of Advance Higher Education (previously HEA)
- Service Children's Progression Alliance (SCiP)
- Society for Education Studies (SES)
- Universities Against Gender Based Violence network (UAGBV)
Peer Review
I have peer reviewed for the following journals and funders:
- Independent Social Research Foundation
- British Educational Research Journal
- European Physical Education Review
- Gender and Education
- Gender-Based Violence
- Higher Education Pedagogies
- Methodological Innovations
- Violence Against Women
External Examiner Roles
- External Examiner: Masters in Education Studies Courses (Early Childhood Education and Intercultural Learning and Leadership) Marino Institute of Technology, Trinity College, Dublin (2021-2025);
- External Examiner: PGCE Secondary Physical Education and Computer Science (including School Direct) at University of Southampton (2020-2023);
- University of Limerick: External Examiner for BSc Physical Education (2016-2021);
- Kingston University London: External Examiner for PGCE Secondary Humanities and Physical Education (2014-2018).
Invited Presentations
- Chappell, A. (2024) Teachers, Auto/Biography and Identity, Keynote for the International MA Education, Royal Academy of Dance, 30th August 2024.
- Chappell, A. (2024) Teachers and Auto/Biography, workshop for PGCE Dance students at the Royal Academy of Dance, 11th January 2024.
- Chappell, A., Ince, C. and McHugh, E. (2021) Auto/Biographical experiences of university students from military families: the same but different? presentation at the Service Children’s’ Progression Alliance London Hub meeting, Online, 19th March 2021.
- Chappell, A., McHugh, E. and Wainwright, E. (2020) ‘Student experience’ and widening participation: are we asking the ‘right’ questions?, presentation at the Universities UK Conference ‘Improving Student Retention: supporting students during the transition out of lockdown’, Online, 5th November 2020.
- Jones, C., Chappell, A. and O'Keeffe, L. (2017) Universities Supporting Victims of Sexual Violence (USVSV), presentation at Universities UK Conference ‘Tackling violence against women, harassment and hate crime affecting university students’, Woburn House, London, 8th November 2017.
- Chappell, A. (2017) Teachers’ professional lives: navigating policy, presentation at the University of East London, 22nd February 2017.
- Chappell, A. (2016) Experiences of newly qualified teachers: surviving and succeeding, invited presentation at the University of Huddersfield, 7th December 2016.
Media interests
- Chappell, A. and Parsons, J. (2021) How COVID, lockdown and isolation has fuelled our interest in the lives of others, The Conversation: https://theconversation.com/how-covid-lockdown-and-isolation-has-fuelled-our-interest-in-the-lives-of-others-144033 (published 22nd January 2021)
- Radio Sputnik Interview: "The Pandemic is obviously affecting everyone, but affecting everyone in different ways", Radio Sputnik: https://soundcloud.com/radiosputnik/the-pandemic-is-obviously-affecting-everyone-but-affecting-everyone-in-different-ways (February 2021)
- BBC Interview: Arneson, K. (2021) Why we can't stop peeking into other people's lives, BBC Worklife: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210302-why-we-cant-stop-peeking-into-other-peoples-lives (published 5th March 2021)
- BBC Interview: Tackling Sexual Violence at Universities, Victoria Derbyshire Show: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04cqftp (broadcast 21st October 2016)
Blog Post
McHugh, E., Chappell, A. and Wainwright, E. (2018) ‘Successful students: exploring the factors that enable and encourage students from a widening participation background to stay the course’, Advance HE Knowledge Hub: https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/blog-entry/successful-students-exploring-factors-encourage-and-enable-students-widening