Mr Martin Scholze
Research Fellow
Heinz Wolff 001
- Email: martin.scholze@brunel.ac.uk
I am a mathematician with a strong background in statistics and biology. My academic research has covered a wide range of areas, encompassing epidemiology, ecotoxicology, toxicology and pharmacology. Having gained an international reputation for my research in biomathematics and statistics in various interdisciplinary international Research projects, I can draw on a wide range of expertise and experience. Since 2007 I am working mainly as an independent consultant, providing consultancy and training in biostatistics, biomathematics and data management to a broad client base in the UK and Europe. My clients include industry, government, international organisations and the academic world. My aim is to make biostatistics accessible and effective as a tool to solve practical problems, based on sound statistical knowledge and modern developments in biostatistics and biomathematics.
- Diploma in mathematics (major subject: statistics)
- Prediploma in biology
- Post-graduate qualification in epidemiology (German society for medical informatics, biometrics and epidemiology)
- 2011 - present: Research fellow. Institute for the Environment, Brunel University
- 2007 – present: Independent biostatistical Consultant (Scholze Consultancy, London, UK)
- 2003 – 2007: Research scientist in two European Union-funded research projects, Centre for Toxicology, The School of Pharmacology, University of London.
- 1997 – 2003: Research scientist and Co-coordination in two European Union-funded research projects, University of Bremen, Department of Biology and Chemistry.
- 1996 – 1997: Research scientist, University of Bremen, Department of Statistics, Germany.
- 1994 – 1996: Research scientist in Epidemiological studies, Bremen Institute for Prevention Research and Social Medicine, Germany.
- 1992 – 1994: Research scientist in Epidemiological studies, University of Bremen, Department of Statistics, Germany.
Newest selected publications
Kortenkamp, A., Scholze, M., Ermler, S., Priskorn, L., Jørgensen, N., Andersson, A-M. and (2022) 'Combined exposures to bisphenols, polychlorinated dioxins, paracetamol, and phthalates as drivers of deteriorating semen quality'. Environment International, 165. pp. 1 - 14. ISSN: 0160-4120 Open Access Link
et al.Scholze, M., Taxvig, C., Kortenkamp, A., Boberg, J., Christiansen, S., Svingen, T., (2020) 'Quantitative in Vitro to in Vivo Extrapolation (QIVIVE) for Predicting Reduced Anogenital Distance Produced by Anti-Androgenic Pesticides in a Rodent Model for Male Reproductive Disorders'. Environmental health perspectives, 128 (11). pp. 1 - 17. ISSN: 0091-6765 Open Access Link
et al.Martin, O., Scholze, M., Ermler, S., McPhie, J., Bopp, SK., Kienzler, A., (2020) 'Ten years of research on synergisms and antagonisms in chemical mixtures: A systematic review and quantitative reappraisal of mixture studies'. Environment International, 146. pp. 1 - x. ISSN: 0160-4120 Open Access Link
et al.Christiansen, S., Axelstad, M., Scholze, M., Johansson, HKL., Hass, U., Mandrup, K., (2020) 'Grouping of endocrine disrupting chemicals for mixture risk assessment – Evidence from a rat study'. Environment International, 142 (September 2020). pp. 1 - 15. ISSN: 0160-4120 Open Access Link
et al.Lupu, D., Andersson, P., Bornehag, C-G., Demeneix, B., Fritsche, E., Gennings, C., (2020) 'The endpoints project: Novel testing strategies for endocrine disruptors linked to developmental neurotoxicity'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (11). pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 1661-6596 Open Access Link
et al.