Case studies showcase Type of engagement - All Apprenticeships Commercialisation Consultancy Entrepreneur Hub Entrepreneur support Facilities and services Help for SMEs Internship Knowledge transfer partnership Mentoring Professional Development Research and development Technology transfer Collaboration team - All Apprenticeships BCAST Bridging the gap Brunel Composites Centre Brunel HIVE Brunel Innovation Centre Business Development Managers (RSDO) Central Research Laboratory Co-Innovate Journeys Commercial services Commercialisation and IP (RSDO) Design Factory Design Plus Development and Alumni Relations Employer hub Entrepreneur Hub Experimental Techniques Centre Global Engagement Office Help to Grow Skills to Build Back Better Funding - All Alumni funding Business Resilience Fund Help to Grow Impact Acceleration Account Innovation Voucher Knowledge Transfer Partnership Research, Innovate and Emerge Santander funding Enterprise - All Charity Government agency Large enterprise Micro enterprise NHS Public sector Small to medium enterprise Start up Contact us Total number of results: 5 Coaching course builds courage Helping the company expand by creating a new brand, product and theoretical underpinning. Dramatic shift for a start-up in domestic violence awareness raising Commercialising the idea of raising awareness of domestic abuse through performance in the community Impact of COVID-19 on business Understanding the impacts of COVID-19 on businesses, areas of concern and how organisations are dealing with them. Inclusive design for immersive technology Brunel Design School and Open Inclusion address the inclusive design for immersive technology gap with a ground-breaking partnership. Emotional design for homeware Emotional design elements, social media marketing and manufacturing efficiency come together to design successful homeware products. Contact us Get in touch If you are interested in working with our experts please leave us your details and we will be in touch with you shortly. Name First name Last name Company you work for Your role Email Phone What help are you looking for? Which team do you want to get in touch with (optional)? Please select a team if you wish Apprenticeships BCAST Brunel Composites Centre Brunel Innovation Centre Business Development Managers (RSDO) Central Research Laboratory Co-Innovate Journeys Co-Innovate - Bridging the gap Commercial services Commercialisation and IP (RSDO) Design Factory Design Plus Development and Alumni Relations Employer hub Entrepreneur Hub Experimental Techniques Centre Global Engagement Office Help to Grow HIVE Skills to Build Back Better Other Submit